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I was with a group of friends. We were in a rustic world. The world was of superstition, rogues, and canvas clothes, dirt ‘roads, donkeys and mules that carried goods, and roman soldiers. We were dirty and dusty and talking and mingling when we saw the sentries carting these enormous carts that resembled hay carts only bigger. They were covered in coarse dirty canvas and bound with ropes. We were undoubtedly curios so we followed them for a distance before turning into an abandoned side street where we notice d a huge wooden garden gate that towered about three times as tall as any grown man. It was locked and it seemed like there was a piece of the city hidden behind it and we could find no other entrance nor remember ever having seen this peculiarity once in our lives before. Being the hotheaded adventure seekers we were, we scaled the gate and landed behind it. All we saw was more stucco walls that we assumed was housing and a long open dirty road without any vendors or stalls or donkeys. The only thing we saw in the distance was the form of what appeared to be a misshapen babe. We decided to walk around and try to find the people that lived there but happened upon the babe sooner than we expected. Much to our surprise the sitting babe was nearly as tall as we were and it’s dancing sister who would normally look no older than two or three years loomed a few feet above us. We stared with our mouths agape as we tried to comprehend what we saw. Then we heard it. Rumbling footsteps that undoubtedly belonged to the parent of these abnormal children. Not wanting to meet whatever conceived such anomalies we darted for the gate but found it nearly impossible to scale. We alsotried squeezing through the nonexistent gaps in the slating and near the ground while we cursed ourselves for our rash stupidity. The creature that rounded the corner was huge. But considering that we were all too busy dodging its blows and scrambling to find our way out we had no idea what gender it may have been and whether or not it appeared human. I am still unable to describe how we managed to escape the nether side of the wooden garden gate, but thankfully we did. I do remember watching the solders finish unloading these gigantic canvas wrapped burdens from the huge carts. Donning dirty, abandoned doctors robes my friends and I approached the sentries with an air of confidence. One sentry led us over to the hills that he promptly ordered to be be uncovered for us only ( I may not have mentioned but this huge square was devoid of all but the solders and ourselves). They cut the ropes and the canvas falls and there are several Giant’s carcasses. Some of their bodies look mutilated, burned, and others are just bloody. My friends and I gather our bearings and try to look as professional as possible as we study the bodies. We then walk over to the most mutilated and damaged carcass in order to more closely observes how they killed these creatures (our experience form earlier that day still fresh in our minds.) The solder then asks for my opinion on the body and I scramble mentally for a response as I quickly survey the corpse. I then notice something odd about a bone in the back of the Giant’s hand and I pull it out gently. On a random impulse, I slde the bone into my own hand. Suddenly the carcass becomes animate as it mirrors my movements. I then wake up. What did this mean?

I dreamed that I was with many of my old friends in my house and we were all hanging out, but I grew so sad because there was this haunting emptiness in everything we did. They were all laughing, and it would seem they were enjoying themselves, but we were not close anymore. We didn't even know each other. All the memories of how we stopped being friends and why came pouring into my head. Then one of my friends completely ignored this girl he use to be in love with and took these two random women into my brothers bedroom proclaiming, "I'm going to get some" He closed the bedroom door, then I went in after them to tell them not to do that, and they all had their shirts off but this weird red and sparkling covering so that I could not see anything. I told the girls to leave and tried to explain to my friend why he couldn't do that. Still, all the memories of why they were no longer my friends came rushing in, and when I tried to tell him, I started to cry, so I stopped speaking to hold back my tears. The background switched to this house where many of my old friends were including many children. They were all just talking and enjoying themselves, but then I got this feeling that there was a a man outside and he was going to kill someone. I looked outside and sure enough there was a man in a car with a shotgun pointing it at the window. Now this house had multiple windows. I quickly let everyone know and told all the children to get on the ground and stay away from the windows. None of the adults were paying attention, so then after a while I told them to get on the ground and everyone did. This guy was after one person in specific though I do not know why. I got all the children and got them out the back door, when I did this, my dog came up to me. But then I heard the man in the house, so I ran into the bathroom, but he found me. He starred at me and would not let me close the door. He pointed his gun at me, but then realized it wasn't loaded, so he pretty much gave it to me. I pointed the gun at him to defend myself, then he said, "You can't shoot me." So I took the gun and knocked him on the head and he fell to the ground. I ran outside to find my dog, and I called him to follow me. I went to the backyard of my neighbors house trying to get away but the man was close behind. When I got to the yard and hid, the man called my dog and tried to get him away from me. But everything in me did not want my dog to go, I kept calling him and holding him close begging him not to listen to the man. Then the man brought out the raw meat and my dog ran over to him and ate it all. The man was smiling and he said something to me that I don't remember. Then my dog leaped over the fence and went with him. I was so sad. Then I woke up. Two days ago, I had a different dream about a different dog, that I was trying to save cuz it was hurt, and it went with me, but at the end of my dream it tried to leave me, and I held on to it and everything in me did not want the dog to go. It was the same feeling I had as in my other dream.

I was at my parents house and they had a pet tiger I was paranoid about, I left my parents house to be fronted by two dark characters, I tried to avoid and get away from them, when an old friend arrived in a starry state in shock and asked for my help. I had to go into his girlfriend s flat and make sure she was ok as she was screaming and crying about my friend had cheated in her.. She told me to go away, as I walked away I see 2 female friends who I haven't seen for at least 20 years. I spoke to one of them she was flirting with me and chatting, the last time I spoke to her was in another weird dream several years ago. She told me her dad had died and her mum was ok. She guided my hand and placed my fingers to my lips and pulled some strong energy from my feet all the way though my body and I pulled a glowing yellow ball from my mouth which looking like it had a key inside it and through it in to calm water.. . I woke up moaning out load as the energy was being pulled tough my body.

Well at first it was like a nice dream like everyone was at my house in Sutherland but then my dad found this map that had I suppose powers and it could foresee the future so the things it saw in the future wasn't like big deals to begin with but then me and my dad started to work out loads of dates of things that will happen and my mum turn a bit crazy because she saw how and when we were all going to die so she left us and phoned my dad and she was crying and said 'Clinton you're going to die first then your sister' and I started to scream and cry and made him put the phone down

I was in the attic of an old house, I squeezed through a tiny window in to dirty muddy area where there was this small room where I started putting on all this crazy makeup with white powder and I started altering my appearance changing the size of my nose and mouth and then I tried to go back through the window to get back out but my size had altered and could barely get my head and shoulder through it and the more I struggled the more the room started to collapse and there was loads of spiders and cobwebs falling from the ceiling they were everywhere i was terrified all I could do was try to go the other way,I managed to get out into this really posh garden where I could see people inside the house but the house was mostly glass and there seemed to be no way in and I think I knew the people inside I think one of them was my mam and i think they were shouting at me to come back in but I couldn't hear them and for some reason I lost my temper and threw some garden chairs into a fancy pond and then began running away from the house and down this really long road. I came to a little village and bumped into this really camp guy who seemed quite friendly and he started showing me around and was saying that loads of gay people lived around here and I spotted a guy in leather hat and pants staring at me and the camp one was saying 'its not that I don't like the gays it's just sometimes they're a bit full on' he then took me to his house but we didn't go in, we went up some stairs that were on the side of the house that lead up to the roof. As we got to the top he said 'and these are my friends' and I can't remember exactly what they all looked like I think there were four of them, i know i thought they all looked crazy one of them had a bald head with just a bit of hair on the very top with a ribbon in it and a long flowery dress and she kept saying 'can you see the angels? Look can you see the angels?' And as I looked up I could see what looked like a some sort of robotic kite in the shape of a person and I said 'oh yeah I can see them' but then the more I looked into the sky the clouds turned into people and I really could see them and I felt as though they were trying to help us all somehow, I could've watched them for hours. The next thing i remember I was in this office with a cassette player and headphones and there was a man sitting on the couch with a pen and paper asking me to tell him what I saw with those people he then put the headphones in my ears and I could hear what sounded like binaural beats vibrating in my ear and then I woke up but I felt as though I'd had this dream before.

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