Understand My Dreams

Dreams i felt

I just had the weirdest dream. So I dreamed of small four black rats much like the ones in the Cinderella story.They were helping me and they were my pets. Usually in real life I wouldn't go anywhere near rats, but in the dream I was glad to know they were helping me. Anyways things had started to go south soon enough. Someone (i don't remember who. The dream is kind of fading away now) warned me about the rats and influenced me to kill them. But I remember arguing with that person because I didn't enjoy the idea of killing an animal. However, I did it anyways in the end. After seeing the rats eat and just when the night got darker and everyone was drifting off to bed, I ended up successfully suffocating the rats with a white pillow. For some reason I felt relief because whatever danger was coming that I was told about was now over. But then the rats came back as ghost after the lights turned on. They were angry and haunting me and threatening to nibble at my feet. For some reason I thought that if I pretended to mourn over their death they would leave me alone. It worked or it didn't because I don't remember much now. I woke up very quickly after that feeling very confused and disturbed. I never have a dream like this so I'm kind of weirded out now and I was hoping to know what this means.

In my old house there was a large window that you could see the driveway through. In the driveway I had three cars. Every time I have this dream it is night time. There is a group of hooded people in dark robes and I can't see their faces. At first they don't notice me but if I make an effort to attack them, they come toward me and shoot with guns. I was standing in my living room and they were shooting at me through the window. I got on the ground and they continued to shoot and I felt heat in my head. Soon they stopped, but every time they noticed me they would start shooting me again. My dad was also in the dream but they weren't trying to attack him like they attacked me. Throughout the entire dream, I could not see the faces on the hooded figures.

I dreamt my friend crashed his van. Then drove the van into a brick wall that was at a car wash. People came and a man tried to take our IDs but I didn’t have mine. We were waiting for the police but they never came. Then I dreamt I was with my brother and he was driving. We were following my mom to a really big field and I kind of knew they way but my brother wasn’t sure. I hit him and he started to cry. I felt bad because I didn’t mean to do that. We sat there and there were some kids playing football and another guy there with his dog. Then I dreamed I was teaching a Sunday morning class. I was asking for prayer requests and one girl said her friend was suicidal. So I got the whole class to lay hands on her and I was praying for her but she was walking around and I wasn’t sure if it was because she was trying to get away from me. Then my youth pastor came in and started playing worship music.

I was took away with a family, apparently my own yet I did not recognise any of them, and placed in a kind of storage container equipped with desks, a sofa, windows etc. It looked like a mix between an office and a home. We were then instructed to look out of the window. We saw a school bus full of teenage cheerleaders and a few random teenage boys pull up to some steps. the steps led up the side of a large cylinder type thing. They were all dragged out one by one and led to the top where they were one by one attached to a chain and dangled upside down and lowered into the cylinder slowly. The cylinder was full of a boiling hot substance. I could hear their screams and saw each of them being lowered in. I felt anger but no remorse or sadness. I didn't feel particularly horrified and didn't have to, nor really wanted to, look away.

I had a dream with multiple false awakenings, at least 7. Each time I would notice something was off, or different or didn't make sense and I would then know I was in a dream and 'force' myself awake. However, each time the dream became more convincing and I developed a growing sense of panic and danger each time I failed to wake to reality. After one of the false awakenings I awoke (still dreaming) completely paralysed and terrified, I suddenly had the knowledge that something was very wrong and I should have been able to wake myself by now, or at least be able to move, and I knew that some-THING was keeping me asleep and trapped in dreams and that this thing was evil and it wanted me. I try to scream at this point to my mother and sister who are still awake downstairs but the noise hardly comes out, I force myself through sheer will and terror to drag myself from the bed and slowly crawl down the stairs (as my body still isn't properly working) and the further away from the bed I am, the more control over my body I exert. Finally I'm downstairs and I can stand again, I enter the living room and see my mother facing away from me in an old pink armchair we used to have. Her face when I try to look at it is obscured by shadow no matter how i tilt my head to look at her. It is then that I suddenly realise the old armchair and the rearranged furniture, a feeling like ice water goes down my spine and I realise without the shadow of a doubt that this THING isn't my mother, it just wants me to think it is. I said to it "You're not my mother" and I know that makes it angry and I can feel it asking why would I hurt my mother's (it's) feelings by saying such a cruel thing, but horrifyingly it didn't speak, I just knew what it said. I'm terrified by now, and i know this thing was the thing that was deliberately trapping me in the dream. I could see myself sleeping in the corner of the living room and I run to myself and start screaming at him/me to wake up and i keep shaking him/me. I start screaming "you have to wake up, wake up, wake up, IT won't let you, it won't let you go, it wants you, it's evil - you have to get out! it wants you while your vulnerable so you need to WAKE UP!" all the while i know the thing that looks like my mother is walking closer and closer behind me, and I just knew that if I turned around and looked at it's face this thing would be able to take me (I felt an overwhelming sense that the thing wanted to go inside of me and use my body while my mind was asleep and vulnerable to it). I can hear it making noises to try and scare me so that I would look at it, but I didn't. Eventually I'm screaming so much in my dream I can feel myself speaking in my sleep in reality, finally before the thing can touch me I at last woke up. This was one of the most terrifying dreams of my entire life, and to remember it in such detail is quite unlike me - it was so vivid that I had to have a walk after I woke up and tried to read something because i heard that you can't make sense of letters in dreams and I wanted to be sure it wasn't another false awakening. The really creepy thing though is that this dream of a dark entity trying to possess me (can't think of another word for it) by making me look at it has happened before. The rest of the dream from what I can remember was completely different, quite happy, no false awakenings. But the only part of the dream I 100% do remember is standing in the doorway from my kitchen to my living room and suddenly feeling like something evil and non-human was stood behind me and wanted to use my body. Like in this dream I knew that if i turned around the creature would be able to enter me, and I started pleading with myself (like talking to oneself, not pleading with another bodily incarnated version of myself like in the dream i described above) to wake up and I explained aloud to myself that this entity was trying to attack me in my dreams when my mind is vulnerable and so I had to wake up. Like in the dream above I became terrified and started crying and pleading to please wake up before it got me, unlike the dream I described above it actually touched me and put its hands on my shoulders and leaned in to breathe and whisper in my ear to try and scare me into looking at its face. I finally woke up sweating and crying with fear. What could these dreams mean? Why the recurrent theme of the entity? I am a logical man with little belief in spirits, entities and demons - BUT I do possess an open mind, could these dreams be more literal than metaphorical?

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