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Dreams crash

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Basically i was with my mom, grandma, and sister and we were going to florida and it was in the future so the planes went much faster so it was meant more for show so there would be turns and it would be super windy and like at one point it landed on the highway and then came back up and around back under the highway so we were all sitting way in the back of the plane and we were getting hungry so we were watching the flight attendant bring some food through the aisles and it was night time so it was really dark and just a few lights were on and then all of a sudden the plane crashes onto the highway and only a few people in the back of the plane survived the crash and there is a bunch of cars that are all piled together and janked up so my mom goes and starts helping by pulling everyone out of cars and I found this doctor who was operating on someone’s heart right on the highway like his chest was wide open and he didn’t have enough light so I was shining my phone light on him and then all of a sudden this guys head just goes limp and the doctor kicks his leg and his leg just goes and so he’s like yeah he’s dead and goes to help others and so it looks like everyone is being helped so idk what to do so me, this zombie looking guy, and the zombie looking guys friend who has this shoulder splint on all walk back to the back of the plane because the back is the only part that’s still fully intact and so I asked the guy with the shoulder splint “are you okay” and he never answered and we just sit down and the shoulder splint guy is in front of me and the zombie guy is beside the shoulder splint guy and i’m like “i hope everyone is ok” and the shoulder splint guy tells me to shut up so i do and all of a sudden the front of the plane loses power and the lights just go out and so do the lights on the highway and we hear SCREAMING and yelling and we see fires starting and people attacking other people and I see the doctor get ripped in half by the guy he’s helping and so I turn all the lights in the back of the plane off because there’s basically RIOTS happening and i don’t want people to see us and all of a sudden I look and the zombie guy is drop dead his head is like in his lap he’s so dead but the guy in front is still like normal and alive and then something floats into the plane and drops on the floor and I look and it’s my mom’s plane ticket so like I’m absolutely freaking out and then I wake up

Outdoors, it was a long view of a grassy plain. Late afternoon. Storm clouds forming. I saw, in the middle of this plain, a herd of buffalo. Stampeding towards me. Odd thing. The stampede seemed to have flame or light sporadically coming out of it. I sounded a warning to another, who I did not see nor do I know. Almost angry at that person, I was. I was "inside" what could be a large terminal, or station - but it had no wall that faced the plain. It was totally open. I took cover on what would be a restroom stall against a wall, closing the aluminum door hoping not to be run over. The perpendicular wall to the stall was a tall wall of thick beveled glass - this is what the stampede would have to crash into. The sound of them stampeding got louder as they drew nearer. I was scared. But at the moment of what should have been impact on the beveled glass - there was silence. As if they had either disappeared or ran through it without a trace. Amazed at what didn't happen, I then woke up.

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