Desert area with birthday party in monastry. rushing
I woke up it was my birthday i got fat and people said are you pregnant shortly after that i felt kicking but it started in my belly then went to my stomach i tried telling the father but never got the chance
I see myself sitting down in my old grandparent's house where usually puja or birthday offering to god is done. My grandfather is also present there. All of us are happy. my grandmother worships god and me. She offers me curd which i refuse to drink, but i finally do drink it as per her wish and also because it is part of our culture during birthdays or if someone is about to travel abroad.
Dream that my ex girlfriend gave me noodles on my birthday
My 6 year old daughter and 2 of her friends were at a birthday party and did not come home, I couldn't find her. Then I found one of the children by herself near my mothers house alone. I asked her where my daughter was and she would not answer so I shook her. I went home and found my child but did not have time to find out what had happened before the police arrived. The little girl next door had come home and her mother was hysterical. Something had happened to her daughter. She was saying it was my fault, but I don't know why. She wouldn't talk to me. I went back inside and suddenly a man appeared saying he was from the t.v company and started to work on the t.v . I asked him how he entered my property as it was locked, but he did not answer, I grabed my daughter and ran out of the house and down the street and hid. Suddenly I knew he was a child abuser. I watched him run from the property and hide in a field. Suddenly the ground below his feet turned to dessert and the ground started to fall away and fill with blood. I was standing in front of him and he said " I knew today was the day I would die, I forsaw it, and I knew I would die in this hole surrounded by blood. I could have tried to prevent it, but I didn't want to" and then he fell away.
Cocasian male birthday cake wedding cake
My younger boyfriend (by 19 yrs, he's 32 with a birthday coming in Oct< and me 52)
dreams my dream about staying together and having children together...although we know that this is not realistic due to my age. in dreams we are happy successful and age does not matter to us.
what does this all mean?
I was having a fifth birthday party, and my friends kept disappearing. I went to the bathroom and there was a man hiding in the toilet who was pulling them through the toilet with him.
I dream that my ex girlfriend gave me noodles on my birthday and i was so happy
I dream that my ex girlfriend gave me a pasta noodles on my birthday