Understand My Dreams

Dreams best friend

I was staring at a painting and I saw my crush from the corner of my eye. I continued to stare at the paiting and noticed my crush getting closer. He ended up with his face right next to mine and I just stared at his side profile for a bit and then he turned to me. He walked over to the other side of me and I rest my head on his arm and grabbed it. We just stood there talking like that for awhile. My best friend came and started chatting with us. At one point of the dream he lifted his hand and asked me "can I hold your hand" and we held hands and stared at our fingers interlocked. We chattted for a bit and then I asked "why are we holding hands?" I was happy holding his hand and leaning on his arm but I asked because we weren't exactly dating in this dream. When he answered he did a little embarrassed laugh and said "do I have to explain" or something like that.

I was very fond of a person who has played an important part in my life. We are no more and it has been 2 years since I tried to cut off links with this person. I dream frequently about going to this person's native place which is a beautiful place, act all touristy but in reality I am hoping to meet this person. I am always with my confidant, my best friend. The place which i dream of is seldom bearing resemblance to the actual place, most often the place where this person lives is up a hill and I remember the journey to his residence as the most vivid part of the dream. I am happy about the prospects of meeting him. But never in any dream have I met him. The dream ends with my disappointment and my journey back, the vacation ending.

My former boyfriend and i was back together but then we lost something and went looking for it in some kind of big building and a lot og stuff happend and we got accused of some shit and i dont really got what happend but then suddenly i was in the hospital later found out it was becaus i had been overdozed on pills and sleept for many days, but at the same time my ex was the one behind my hospitalstay and had caused some explotion at the big building. Then the people at the hospital tried to kill me and a lot of shit happend. Since i had been sleeping for days i also woke up and was suddenly super skinny. A lot of stuff happend at the hospital and i managed to escape. Then i was back in my town and met my ex boyfriend againat at party that my old best friend hosted. A lot of shit happend here as well, we were drunk driving around doing some kind of competition. I tried to avoid my ex since what happend erlier but he just kept coming around and suddenly we were talking and i was saying everything on my mind to him (things that i have on my mind about him when awake. we just got a little in touch again in real life as well, but he has not changed so i try to stay away.) Then suddenly we were good friends but he told me he liked me still but was banging some other girl, but it was nothing to him. Then he forced me to let him meed my parents agein (they hate him in real life). When the dream stops.

It begins with me and my best friend sitting in a café and on my lap is a little boy who must be about 1 or 2 sitting in my lap. Then a boy that I used to be with but recently left me for his ex walks in with a good friend of his. The little boy jumps up off my lap and runs to him and refers to him as daddy. He asks me if we can talk and we begin to fight, but I tell him that we wont do this in front of out son and take the baby and leave. I buckle the baby in and when I go to pull out, I make eye contact with him and then all of a sudden my car is hit with me and the baby in it. I have also had a reoccurring dream the the same baby is in the backseat of my car and when I come to a 4 way light I see the same guy I used to be with, make eye contact with him and the he gets hit by a car and his truck goes rolling

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