I went to a diff house and was greeted by an asian woman I called mother. bedroom was painted dark green and scruffy and i wanted to paint it white
I was attempting to buy asian slaves from Morgan Freeman who was a south america slave owner who lived in a wooden shack on top of the colliseum sipping brandy as all his slaves were in his garage which was also a portal to a different dimention.
I was in my bathroom, and my little sister was talking about some kind of monster. Then these fingers started coming through the wall, and it was a scary little Asian girl. She made me do things like steal something from my parents. My older sister came home for the weekend with her dog. I asked my little sister if the monster could follow us anywhere, and she said she thought so. I decided to risk angering the little girl and told my parents about her. I wanted to get away from the house, but they didn't believe me. Then, after about a minute, the girl appeared in the kitchen. At first they were confused, but as her face started to scarily transform, they became scared. Then I think she killed us all.
Me and my daughter were bothe pregnant, I had turned into an asian woman. my husband wore glasses and rode a bike through an arcade and crashed into a pile of sand. He was very affectionate and was kissing my neck.
Dreamt of travelling in Asia with people I used to work with
Asian woman
Oppressive Regime Dream
I had a dream last night where Canada was ruled by an oppressive Asian regime and it cycled between hiding in various basements and driving away very slowly in my crappy car.
Dreamed about being at some random convenience store in Toronto with a go bananas ticket and winning 12000 dollars! Asian cashier tells me that I have to go to Lotto Kiosk to get it so I start driving there in this big truck and realize that I am not going to make it on that day so I stop by a park and see my friend Kenton. I tell him about winning and then realize that there is a place open I can cash in my ticket until 2:34 am. I get back in the truck and everything inside has been stolen! It looks like it has become a different truck however all the components are the same, including my broken right mirror. That is all I remember.