Cleaning the roof but afraid of falling
I dreamed it was talking to the women I have feelings for and I touched her I was afraid to but when I didn't it was bad
She smiled for me and we had a good conversation
Visiting someone in hospital
Getting stuck
Waiting for a lift that kept closing and wouldn't let me in
Being lifted really high and being afraid of falling
Dustbin wagon
Crazy, crazy dream. ~ there were people breaking in, but it was not my home, it was a place of worship and they were coming into the offices. They wanted books, Bibles, they seemed to be looking for something they did not have. They seemed to be Christians, but something was wrong about them. Their Faith was weak and they seemed fake. (remember its a dream). They got violent when told to wait and it would be shown to them, they need not look for an answer.
They started tearing the up building, looting and screaming.
I stood up on a desk and my voice got really soft and deep. (I was prophesying)
I told them, children why are you so afraid? Stand in the Faith you once had. Stop seeking answers that God has already given you ONCE. He does not need to speak it again, STAND IN YOUR FAITH!
Many of them walked away. Those of us left, began to cry and then a waive of praise swept over us!
A real.
I my dream I was at my house in my room on the top floor and I'm looking outside my window and two planes crash off in the distance and the wing of the plane goes through my window and I can hear a tv in the background and it said "flight something-3-3-6 has crashed" (I don't remember the first number)
I don't know what it means. I've always been afraid of flying. My girlfriend is flying to New York soon and I talked to her before I fell asleep
I have dream of a ghost white lady so often and in my dreams i feel so afraid. i didn't recognize the face of the lady, the first two dreams occur in an unknown old house, the second one was in a building, the white lady was in the door.
I dreamed my deceased mother told me to be careful of someone who has been causing me problems for thirty years and that I know this woman very well. She told me I must get my oldest daughter away from this woman as she is evil and turning my daughter against me. My daughter has been living with this woman for the past five months. Then my mother's sister, my aunt, who is also deceased told me that she was afraid it is too late to save my oldest daughter and for me to get ready because it's coming. She said it several times, be ready because it's coming.
I was crawling on a highway, to a baby that had no arms or legs. It was smiling at me as if to say it was alright. I tried to kiss it. I was afraid to pick it up for some reason.
Driving a car with someone i knew. Black snake coiled in their lap. I did not say anything until we stopped. I was afraid it would get lost in the car. Got to destination. Got out looked under hood of car. Snake tried to bite me.
I am in a tree, have been there a longtime, unable to climb down, afraid of falling.