I walked dowwntown at night by myself past a store a few times. The store was set below street level and you had to walk down a staircase to get to it. A few other young peoplevwent in there but I never did. Eventually I walked back to a car, and a middle-aged Native man that O didn't know was standing under a the light of a street lamp near the car. He had long dark hair that was tied back in a pony tail, and was wearing light wash dirty jeans and an old grey, dark green, and red sweatshirt. He tried to talk to me but I jumped in the car and locked the doors. I hid on the floor curled up so he couldn't see me. Facts about kidnapping went through my mind. I tried to call my dad but then I tried calling 911. No one answered the phone. I cpuldn't drive away because I didn't have the keys or a driver's license that allows me to drive alone. At some point the Native man got in the car but I don't know how. I didn't let him in and he didn't open the door. He started driving the car away and I asked him to let me go, but he wouldn't. He was now wearing a blue button down shirt and his hair was down. He staryed talking to me, and told me he was taking me somewhere nut wouldn't say where. I thought about more kidnapping statistics and that I probably would never see my parents again. I tried to figure out how to escape but I couldn't think of any solutions. August 27, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Boy breaks into My bedroom. I try to call 911 a bunch of times but it either doesn't work or I he no answer August 05, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I got shot in both legs twice by a stranger in a drive-by. my friend got shot once in her leg. i was able to get up and walk away but begged my friend to take me to the hospital. she wanted to call 911 because we had the bullet with the finger prints on it. August 01, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I look outside and see a lioness attacking a man and I immediately call 911 August 30, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Was at work but the address was different; former co-worker driving recklessly and flipped car, former boyfriend hurt in accident; called 911 but boss intercepted call August 17, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was having a moving party and i heard a nosie at the front door I went to see what it was and saw a man hanging from the ceiling. I wasn't scared, just startled, then i heard laughing as the man jumped down to the ground. the man pretending to be dead was the brother of my ex boyfriend , and my ex boyfriend was standing in the corner laughing. they started trying to push their way into the house but my cousin and i managed to block their way. there was boxes and bags everywhere and the family was justing there. My daughter was in the kitchen laughing and having a great time, helping with the cooking. I was in the hallway struggling with her father, my ex boyfriend . I finally told him if he wanted to stay, fine, than i yelled for someone to call 911, i wanted him arrested for not paying child support and breaking and enterng. to keep them there my cousin decided to try and seduce the brother. she was telling him how big, strong and sexy he was and my ex reached out to touch me and i yelled ' do not touch me' several times. finally he got frustrated and left but he came back when he realized his brother was still locked in the house. he kept yelling for his brother to come but we held on to him. finally my ex squeezed through the bars on the gate and picked the lock on the gate to get back in. he slipped past me and ran into the kitchen and came right back out. I yelled at him telling him he was a lousy father because he ran into the kitchen and did not even recognize or speak to his daughter who was standing right there. he ran around to the kitchen again and this time I followed him but as he went out the kitchen door, he disappeared. i looked everywhere but could not find him and everyone in the house said he did not run past them. i could not find him but my cousin was still holding on to the brother. August 08, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Guy i'm dating standing facing back towards me, someone stabbed him with arrow in back i tried to stop it, i pulled it out and ran around asking if anyone called 911 July 11, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
My dream was weird. I was sitting on the bathroom floor behind the door, kind of hiding from the view of the man who was in my house. He walked slowly into the bathroom picked up the gun from The bath tub and turned it towards me and shot me in the chest. The whole thing was silent, I did not scream, I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I wasn't trying to scream. I just accepted the shot. He turned and walked out leaving me for dead. But i did not die. I was waiting for what seemed like forever to just die. So when i realized I wasn't dying I reached over and called 911 but I couldn't remember my address. It was a new home i just moved to. (in real life I am currently on my way to the opposite side of Canada to move) August 25, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis