Understand My Dreams

Dreams traffic

Driving my subaru at midnight in san francisco it suddenly starts  to rain.  Theres no traffic amd all pf the lights cycle through their colors.  I disregard the colors and floor it.  All of the sudden i feel a click.  I press the brakes with no response.  The shifter is stuck in 5th gear and i have no ability to slow down.  The music gets louder and everything blurs.  I see a train track ahead and a light in the distance.  A train is coming dowm the tracks. I have tunnel vision set on beating the train. I get to the tracks and breath a sigh of relief.  The train suddenly darts forward with infinite speed.  The train t bones me.  I wake up.

I was due to meet my husband at school at 2pm for the school play and was going to be late. I rang him and asked him to pick me up but he didn't want to so I said u would walk. I started my journey and reached really steep hill wil grass on it in places and thought I won't be able to get up it but then tried and tried and suddenly was able to do it - I reached the top and felt this great achievement. It was qute Sunni too at the top. On the journey I was carrying my cat who kept jumping out if my arms and running actois the road toward oncoming traffic. I caught him and went inside a shop and seemed to know the lady. We chatted and suddenly aperson with adog came in and I was afraid for the for the cat- we hid in the back room- the cat turned in my baby and I was trying to ge thin to sleep. My dead ginger cat was also in the dream at sine point and I believed he had come back to life to see me. I also dreamed about having my period during the dream. I reached the school at some point and people were dressed up in costumes. At some point in the dream I felt unsure if my surroundings and didn't know which way to go to get home during part of the dream a woman in a shop was trying to sell me aprons.

I was in my car on the highway in traffic and some teenager or 20-ish year old cam gliding down the highway on the right shoulder laying down on an oversized skateboard. The girl (I think) was dangerously weaving in and out of traffic, so I stopped my car in the middle of the highway, got out of my car and started chasing the girl, screaming at her about how dangerous she was being and how she was going to kill herself. I came across a group of people and police and yelled at them to help stop her. I was beside myself. I then walked back to my car, couldn't find it, and saw a bunch of cars in a big wreck and wondered if my action of leaving my car in the middle of the highway caused it. i then found myself back at someone's house. my 13-year old daughter said something mean to me and walked out with no shoes on. I yelled for her to come back, but she just leared at me with a killer stare and snear and walked away very quickly. She broke into a run and ended up running into a swimming pool that started shallow and got progressively deeper. I was running after her and had her old puffy down, light blue north face jacket on. by the time I got to the pool someone very calmly told me someone was under water, and when I looked I saw it was my daughter. In real life I was a lifeguard in my teens and twenties and always pride myself on my lifesaving skills. in the dream I tried to take the jacket off before going in to save my daughter because I knew I thought it would inflate like water wings and prevent me from getting to my daughter. I struggled to get the small jacket off but couldn't and I was panicking to get to my girl. Before I could get the jacket off and go save her, I woke up.

I was driving my car and my evanglist friend was on the passenger side as usual we was going somewhere and she was occupied in the mind as usuall not paying attention of whats going on around her.i don't know where we was going too, at all but it was a very sunny bautiful day and the highway was clear of traffic not to many cars on the highway all of a sudden a car came from out of no where and speeded up in front of me and went down the road then all of a sudden it stopped as if it was lost and did not know where to go. so we looked on curiouslyand traveled on and when i got to the end of the road i continued on a nother car came and pass me and got in front of me again and all of sudden the sky got very dark as if a storm was taken place but no noice. i could only see the car in front of me because of the car lights that was on. then all of a sudden the car lights went off and everything got totally pit black, i couldnot even see my hands or the steering wheel in the car but i was still driving the car .i took my feet off the gas and relaxed but at first i was getting panicky but i realized that God had everything in control.i was talking to my friend and she was acting as if she was deaf and couldnot hear what i was saying at all no response.soon after that the sun came back as beautiful as ever and the car was parked by a big beautiful tree on green grass on the corner where there were two green sign to shown the names of the streets left and right. the signs were green and white on a post.

Driving my subaru at midnight in san francisco it suddenly starts  to rain.  Theres no traffic amd all pf the lights cycle through their colors.  I disregard the colors and floor it.  All of the sudden i feel a click.  I press the brakes with no response.  The shifter is stuck in 5th gear and i have no ability to slow down.  The music gets louder and everything blurs.  I see a train track ahead and a light in the distance.  A train is coming dowm the tracks. I have tunnel vision set on beating the train. I get to the tracks and breath a sigh of relief.  The train suddenly darts forward with infinite speed.  The train t bones me.  I wake up.

I was sitting at a traffic light in my car and i decided to sweep the dust with a broom in front of me, i was making a large cloud of dust and the people crossing the street were getting annoyed. one guy tapped on my window and told me that two teenagers were getting really mad and that i should sell them my car seats just to get out of this easily. the teenagers pulled up in the middle of the traffic lights and started using a pickaxe on the road and pulling the concrete up. I go to drive past but one of the teenagers started making this demonic sound and damaging my car with his pickaxe, i accelerated just to get out of the situation but it took me ages to get away from him because he was really fast

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