My feme supervisor handed me two pieces of was white. There was mention of a job in another city from a coworker.I wore a shirt with no pants and my male cousin would not speak to me. July 19, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was going off to school in a different state and I did not have any money for new clothes or anything and didn't realize it until the day I had to fly out. My mom was going too and she couldn't bring the things in her apartment!! We asked the airline if we could fit her things on a plane and they found a way to get some of it on there. My mom was already at airport and I was walking with these two blondes that I hated! They knew j didn't have money or clothes or anything to help myself, so they made a pit stop to the gas station and bought themaelves cute new outfits and didn't even think to grab me a shirt! July 14, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream of asking my dead father a shirt to put on,he was getting me a blue shirt then I woke up from the dream means June 01, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Last night I had a dream that I was old enough to drive myown car and I was 16,and me and my brother went to this house address,and we went in and something dragged me down the hall,and next thing you now I looked up at my broteher,and his words of his shirt was floating up in the air to the dictionary,and I knew then he was dead,and I sneek out the house and my brother was in the car sleeping, and I was happy. May 20, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I have a dream where I was in the dark I could barely see people it was as if people where surrounding some sort of camp fire, then I start to cripple and it hard for me to breath, and then I tug on a persons shirt and there shirt color is blue but I couldn't see anybody's faces that well; then I fell to the ground and I woke up July 29, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at Home Depot standing on an electric rug that can shock people and this guy was plugging it in. Then some lady who worked there told me to get of so i dont get shocked. When i walked of it i saw my boyfriend who was Daryl Dixon, my boyfriend and i went into the back and had sex in a shower, when i came outside to my mom who was waiting for me in her van. When i got in she asked me why i was wet and i told her that my boyfriend hugged me and didnt want my mom to snell him so i took a shower. We left and something happened, so we ended up walking it the woods and my mom spotted a quiver then i spotted a hunting rifle, i picked it up and we kept walking. Then we found 5 deer and i shot a doe. But we left it on the ground and continued walking to the back of a small white church and a couple who was getting married threw black and white invitations at us i ran over them and ruined them. When i got to the back of the church there was a picnic table and a employee from Home Depot he was wearing nylons and a blue shirt he hugged me and i didnt like it he said i was shy then i went over to my boyfriend and hugged him May 09, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that a lot of men where chasing me and trying to be with me and would leave their shirts in my room and mail them to me and wouldnt stop messaging me and trying to contact me April 29, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
My niece was at a store . I walked in. she seen me and lifted her shirt to show me her pregnant tummy . she said I started this. and it is a land seller who she is seeing and she asked me if I ever read the news headlines. She and I have been on the outs for 2 yrs and not speaking June 23, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis