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Dreams parking lot

Found 263 dreams containing parking lot - Page 13

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I had this dream the first night I was home from the hospital after my daughter was born. This was 7 years ago: I was standing in a parking lot of some type, and my newborn daughter was there as a teenager, probably about 15 years old. She was standing with a group of friends who looked around her age. (Strangely enough, she looked exactly how I would now expect her to look when she becomes a teen, yet I don't see how I could have predicted that then when she was only a few days old.) Anyhow, I remember calling her name over and she wouldn't answer me; she was just talking and laughing with her friends, who couldn't hear me either. I started screaming it so she could hear me, but it seemed like the sound of my voice just got lower and quieter. I couldn't tell if she was ignoring me or she just didn't know I was there. At this point, I started to feel like I had no physical presence because when I looked down at myself, there was nothing there; like a ghost who couldn't be seen, and that is why she wasn't responding. Meanwhile, I noticed a young boy standing off to the side of the group of girls. He looked to be somewhere between 8 and 10. I did not recognize the child, but he was the only one who could actually see me. He didn't say a word; he just kept looking at me as I screamed my daughter's name. I felt as though he knew me, although I didn't know him. This dynamic just continued until I woke up. I was convinced this dream meant that if I ever had another child (represented by the boy), I would die. Please tell me what you think.

We were all on vacation, Nilsons Shearholdts, Perkins, and there were giant bears, 4 of them... The house we were in was really flimsy and we were worried they would get in... I told everyone and the men ran outside to stop the bears... Uncle David was really badly hurt, I dragged him in off the front steps. Dad and Danny were fighting the bears and other people came. One guy died, then they kept battling... Someone else with us got hurt and I had to run out and drag him away. I ran inside to update everyone and someone else ran out with a giant knife to help. The next time I went outside one bear was dead - someone shot him. There were ambulances everywhere in the dirt parking lot and I was looking for dad... I saw him and he was in an ambulance but alive. I got on the back of the ambulance and the guy was not letting me in so I jumped in through the window.

At WEC leaving work for the evening. As I was walking out Scott D. saw me and ended his conversation to walk me to my car. We walked a block or so chatting until we reached the parking lot. Then, instead of my car being in the lot, the dream changed and I was actually riding w/him in his truck. As I reached for the door handle, David said 'I see you got the truck running'. I said yes..and then there were two white Ford trucks in the lot. I turned around, opened the passenger side door and David was there with his hand held out to help me in, there was mess all in the floor board, he helped me in and held my hand....(woke up)

I started off getting a side job painting a blue house in a neighborhood I grew up in. Then I ended up the parking lot I currently live in taking a shower in a bath tub with a shower curtain around it with my new girlfriend waiting to fight her ex husband. He never showed up and then I am on a subway on my way to jail with a old friend that I did bodily harm to but reconciled with. Then I am in a hospital room with a stranger that I put in the hospital and I shoot at him three times and only one bullet comes out and the gun is empty and I hand the stranger the gun and tell him to shoot me in the back as I walk away because he knows he hates me and I am covered in blood on my hospital gown and there is blood on the wall as I leave the hospital room to go back to my cell in jail and I grab my cell mate and cover him in blood and he is mad and he seems to be a friend and even tho he is mad I am laughing then I wake up!

In my dream I have a disagreement with my boyfriend who accuses me of being rude to someone I feel is trying to cheat or lie to me. I am upset and leave the premises on foot. It is nighttime. I get to a large field that is apparently a big parking lot with a few cars left. I don't remember how my boyfriend and I arrived or how I know to come to this parking lot but I suddenly realize I need a ride to get back home and now i have to wait for him. Oddly, it is my exes car I am frantically looking for but don't know what the car looks like. Suddenly at the edge of the road I see a big brown bear standing on his hind legs. There may be another smaller bear in the distance. I start to run because I know bears are very vicious and feel my life is in danger. The bear starts to chase me. Now all of a sudden an unidentified male who doesn't seem to be a stranger is beside me and we run towards a house with a ladder up against it. I climb the ladder but the space between the last rung and the roof is too wide and i cannot get to the roof. I decide to run into the house where the unidentified male has gone. We are in a plain, dingy, unattractive room. Maybe a bedroom with little to no furniture. There is 1 big window that looks as if it is frosted or plastic, not easy to see out of. I knock out the big picture window to get back outside. The bear is right on me. I am struggling to get through the window when I wake up. I don't know if I survived.

The dream began with me sitting in my class listening to the professor’s lecture. It was the last class of the day and everybody was tired. At last, it was time for the class to finish but the professor kept teaching. When my classmate told the professor that it was time for the class to finish, he turned around and said rudely that he knows when to finish teaching and also we shouldn’t bother him with it. After teaching for another five minutes he left the class, and everybody hurried outside as it was time for busses to leave. I ran to my locker as I didn’t want to miss my bus. Since the locker was far away from my class, it took me time to reach there. There was a lot of hustle bustle around as everybody was rushing. I stuffed all the papers from my locker in my bag as I was in hurry. But when I turned around there was nobody in sight. The school was empty and there was dead silence. I was scared because just a moment ago there were so many students around. However I gathered up all mu courage and went outside. I saw a bus in the parking lot but nobody was sitting inside. Thinking that it was the school bus I sat in it. Soon I realized that it wasn’t the school bus but it was too late. The bus took me to a place which was very dark and misty. I got down and started crying, suddenly somebody tapped on my shoulder and called my name. I woke up abruptly realizing that I had been daydreaming during my history class and my friend was tapping on my shoulder trying to wake me up. Feelings:

I was being drove around on a long highway by a man, his face didn't look familiar in my walking life but I have seen him in past dreams. We drove for awhile longer and he pulled into a parking lot that was surrounding a building built of bricks. We walked around when we where abruptly grabbed and shoved into the building. We stood there as a group of people shoved us down the hall into a smaller room filled with more people. They left me and this man who I seemed to be attached to emotionally in the dream. We sat down and he held me close to him making sure no harm would be done by our capturers. I noticed a man behind a desk holding a gun and flipping through a paper loudly I watched him carefully as I slowly made my way up to the desk. I smacked his hand flipping the gun and catching it and clutched it with my hands. I backed up and pulled the man I was there with up and proceeded to walk backwards to the door but before I could get any further, the man from behind the desk grabbed a different gun and shot me with it (it was a tranquillizer) I fell to the ground. The man who was with me quickly ran to my aid as I laid there he pressed his cold hand to the side of my cheek and held up my head and whispered to me about how everything would be ok, before I could smile up to him I blacked out. When I awoke the man who shot me seemed angry with me. He made it clear that he must teach me a lesson for trying to leave. He grabbed my arm and drug me to this room where there was a large white sheet hanging from the ceiling. He grabbed the sheet and pulled it down, there in a small wooden chair sat the man who I was there with. His eyes looked as though the skin on top had been rubbed raw and it was bleeding profusely and it was just a horrifying scene. I screamed his name (which I don't remember what his name was just that I yelled it) He quickly opened his eyes and this was the first time in my dream I had noticed them they where the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Everything around the eye itself was a bloody raw mess of flesh, but the eye was a faint silver tinted blue with a darker blue ring around the outside of them. The sight of them made my dream self shake, the then man who was standing next to me shoved me next to man sitting in the chair. I looked at him as he stared blankly at me. I felt tears fall from my eyes as I whispered how much I loved this man and that I will get us out of this. He faintly smiled and then I noticed a small razor in his mouth, that had cut it up pretty badly. I stuck my fingers in to grab the blade before he could swallow it and after I grabbed the blade his mouth started pouring blood. I kissed the man on the lips as the blood poured from his to mine, I grew angry at the agony they put this man who I seemed to love through all this torcher and pain. I noticed a bucket of tools and grabbed a crow bar and followed some of the people who did this to him down into the basement. I proceeded to smash there heads in with the bar as I screamed how does it feel?! After I had obliterated everyone I walked back up the stairs to see the man who I loved all better, his eyes where completely healed. His hair was shiny and long, his beard was neatly in order and his eyes glowing. He ran to me and held me close to him and placed his forehead on mine and fluttered his eyes so I could feel his eyelashes on my skin. He kissed me slightly and then held me close and told me he would never let me go and I looked into his eyes and woke up.

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