A boy who has a girlfriend started kissing my stomach then my face and his girlfriend appeared behind him and was staring at me blankly, I wasn't kissing back, but he continued to kiss my forehead, nose, cheek, chin, and next to my mouth but never did kiss me on the lips but when he almost kissed my lips his girlfriend said something and he stopped and they left together holding hands and she stared me down and they went through a door and that's when I woke up. March 09, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at a fancy party we left hit a car and kept driving. we drove past lots of construction then into a skate park. there were children even though it was night. paul folded the car and left it outside we were on some sort of bunker or domain no one would talk to us so we went in I found my purse a girl said it was hers I joked she laughed we became friends. everyone looked like they where on meth and violent. we found the way out but paul let his car in the back he went to get it and came back with a stroller He realized we lost the kids. we panicked. I ran outside to look for the car there was a guy with a dog. the dog jumped on me. this man proceeded to put brown dots on everyone's noses and talked of a need to plant this shit. I kept walking looking for the car with the children. there where so many guns. I couldn't find them I was scared frantic I awoke. March 13, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at a fancy party we left hit a car and kept driving. we drove past lots of construction then into a skate park. there were children even though it was night. paul folded the car and left it outside we were on some sort of bunker or domain no one would talk to us so we went in I found my purse a girl said it was hers I joked she laughed we became friends. everyone looked like they where on meth and violent. we found the way out but paul let his car in the back he went to get it and came back with a stroller He realized we lost the kids. we panicked. I ran outside to look for the car there was a guy with a dog. the dog jumped on me. this man proceeded to put brown dots on everyone's noses and talked of a need to plant this shit. I kept walking looking for the car with the children. there where so many guns. I couldn't find them I was scared frantic I awoke. yellow rotten teeth alcohol March 13, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I have a bowl strapped to my head and a spider keeps crawling in and out of my nose February 26, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis