I woke up at 4:44am from a super intense dream that we were under marshal law and the military was coming in to lock down the roads to keep us in place. My daughters and I were camping in my parents RV in at a ‘glamping’ waterfront resort near my house. My newish boyfriend (of 9 months) arrived just as it was starting when we didn’t know what was happening yet and secured us in the locked RV safely. I went out to get my parents rifle (which they don’t have in real life) from a safe while my boyfriend was helping the girls hide, just as a stranger manifested inside the RV and I drew the gun to shoot an empty fire arm. I woke up so panicked it felt real and looked up that other people have been having marshal law dreams April 12, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
For years now, I always dream of being at a church, a meeting, etc., and always having to use the restroom. Always different people in my dreams. No matter how large the restrooms are, I can never get to a stall before someone gets there before I do. And many times the stalls are not clean, very nasty and I will not use use it. March 17, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream we were at church and pastor called for us to testify and the spirit came on me and I started speaking in tongues and it was great except then I realized I was actually speaking English and just reciting random stuff about dreams. Everyone was staring at me and laughing and pastor banished me When I woke up I remembered a few phrases of what I'd been saying and googled them and found I'd been repeating dreams from this site! It's really freaked me out....what's going on???? May 03, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was sleeping and then a guy came into my room and cut my head off. I was fine because I then was able to call my parents and then we went on a car chase to get my head back. So there I was sitting in the back seat of the car, headless ( knew I was headless because I could see myself in my dream, but not my head, typically in dreams your perspective is still from your own eyes.) Then we eventually got my head back and I just popped it back on like it was nothing. April 30, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream where a boy, who I know, was with me on a field trip. We were wearing masks, considering the pandemic, and I took of the mask and so did he. We began talking and laughing. He took my hand and we started to run back to our bus. Then the dream ended. I’ve had dreams about this boy before where we are either dating or hugging. Could it be because I used to have a crush on him and am having trouble getting over it? April 07, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I am a saved born again Jesus loving Christian. I pray, read my Bible, fear God and try to gain wisdom. I am 68 years old and it has only happened twice in my life but I am horrified and very troubled by it. Why have I had dreams that I am either satan or a satanic worshipper and follower. This has caused me great horror and trouble in my mind, heart and soul. Why would a God fearing Jesus loving Christian have such dreams? Some I have asked do not answer as if there is something they do not want to tell me. What does this mean? I am so troubled. Thank you for your truthful and honest analysis and opinion. God bless your ministry. Mike Sullivan March 15, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I have had-still having this dream every single night for about 7-8 months now and it starts as a purge type apocolyptic type scenery and I repeat the what I call "level" until I clear it without any fatalities. So the first few nights I would get to a certain point in the dream and then it all goes black and thats the end of the dream for the night, so I said hm I wonder why? Then during my dreams I started saying to myself and my crew of purgers "don't go odown this way, remember what happened last time they all busted out the door and ambushed us". So we end up not going there, then the dream advances onto the next level per say. This scenery was only for the first 4/5 months then it changes to a field trip going to north carolina where I see a big glass building with a deep black swimming pool that is said to be the darkest deepest body of water to the center of the earth with a dining table across the top, now the same sort of thing happens again I go through to this certain checkpoint almost and then this girl across from me falls in the water and disappears and then the waiter turns evil and makes us all jump in the water and then its just blackness-end of the dream, over a few nights I realized something bad happens when the girl falls into the water so my next dream I tell everyone "grab her shes about to fall in" and then the story carries on nicely and the waiter doesn't turn evil March 02, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
My boyfriend is in jail and i have dreams that he gets out of jail and he doesn't tell me or come see me May 11, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I’ve had many dreams like this. One was recurring where a ghost-like figure pulled me under a desk one of my cousins watched this happen to me while sipping a hot beverage in a mug and the rest of my family ran away. I had this dream many times as a little kid. In a dream I had last night, one of my family members set off a firework that made such a big explosion it threw me back on top of myself. My neck was broken, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t hear, and I was screaming. My family stood over me, watched, and laughed. May 02, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis