Smoking meth in a port-potty at Testicle Fest but kept getting interrupted by an old lady pounding on the door accusing me of stealing the hot sauce. I kept telling her I didn't have any hot sauce and there was plenty more on the tables anyway but she wouldn't listen and it was really annoying... September 22, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream I woke up from a minor surgical procedure to find they had tattooed my scrotum with a tie-dyed pattern. I was outraged and started arguing with the doctors but they didn't care. Eventually I realized it looked pretty good and came to like it. July 21, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt I went on a trip with my dad, my father didn't spend any time with me on the trip because he was gay homosexual/drug user secretly. July 06, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreams of Jesus returning with flaming sword very very angry. No human spared his holy wrath. Turns out everyone thought they were saved was wrong. Bad mistake but Jesus didn't seem to mind cause he had fun. June 22, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Someone i haven't spoken to in years started plucking my left over leg hairs that didn't get waxed properly. I really liked this and felt so in love with him and it felt so intimate. I have never had feelings for this guy in real life and I don't even know where he is now. We barely even spoke in real life. June 17, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
It was night time and there were people gathered very rowdy and intoxicated huge Loud loud evil heavy music I've not heard before was blaring all around me along with people yelling and talking laughing and screaming at eachother and meanly hurling insults. Huge fires in fire pits and it was like some sort of wild bonfire party. But these people were not nice they were rowdy fighting screaming and all sorts of bad things were happening. They gathered around me in a big circle myself with arms tied behind my back and I was disheveled and bleeding from my nose and beat up but not crying. I remember two woman sitting on giant pair of Buffalo Horn mounted on a tall doorway we were in a hastily built structure big enough for a crowd to form the circle around me. The woman were jeering at me calling me names and then people began pushing me some spit on me tearing at my clothes. I was beligerant and caught the eye of the women they were dressed like cowgirls I remember. I remember I said how could you do this I am a woman just like you. They laughed and mocked me. I was raped by men beaten and I didn't cry or stop fighting even when they had me down and the men took turns I didn't cry. Then I was alone everything was gone I just remember miles and miles of dirt and dust blowing all around my body but I wasn't in my body anymore I was looking down at it from above. The silence was awe striking.I think I must have been dead. October 20, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
My boyfriend s wife found out that we have a baby but she didn't care and she was counting money to go to buy clothes for my baby October 04, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was inside a small concrete building with 2 beds on either side. I was in one, and two people I couldn't see were in the other. We both were covered with a blanket. There was nothing else in the room there was opening for a window and door but there was no window or door. Outside I could nothing but blackened objects and the red glow in the distant background making me feel or think that the world was ending. We could feel an unbearable heat coming and we covered ourselves trying to not be consumed or killed by it. At one point a large blanket appeared and I tried to cover myself with it but it quickly caught fire and I threw it off me. Just then then, this heat was upon us, I could feel it. As it overwhelmed me, I found myself near the top of a maintain covered in green grass. The sky was blue with few clouds. There were others there. They all had this happiness about them, adults around my age. We were just there, sitting, smiling, talking to each other. Something like a lion was running and jumping around us. It didn't look real. It was light in color, nearly white, and looked as though it was put together with blocks of something that could have been wood. As ran towards me, I was just a little afraid and as it batted at my arm with its paw, I realized it was being friendly and wanted me play with him or her, I'm not sure. At that point, I woke up. September 25, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that my crush didn't reject me and we became really close friends and then got married. August 01, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis