I became engaged to a stranger who was endored/supported by my real life ex boyfriend 's parents who I have a tense relationship with. But in the dream, they were helpful and they paid for the ceremony and my wedding dress and gifted me a carpet.... which was beautiful. However, the man was someone I had never met. In my wedding dress, I confronted my mother who was behind a closed door and said: But mother, how can I marry him when I've never even kissed him? And then I told her I loved someone else who in real life, I am just beginning a relationship with...
We are getting ready for my sons wedding at this mansion when all of a sudden people break in to the house just before the ceremony and shoot my son and his fiance.
I had a dream where my boyfriend and I were getting married. The theme was red, gold and white, even my dress was red. We had the ceremony in a Theatre that had red carpeting and curtains and all of our friends and family were there. Once we had said our vows, we sat together in the front row of the theatre and me and my boyfriend /dream husband, watched a performance done by students from my high school, drank champagne, and laughed and joked about the people around us and kissed and hugged. It was a really beautiful dream. I have known by boyfriend for five years (almost six) and I've known I wanted to be with him for a year and half, but he just recently asked me out about three months ago, going on four. We've been so happy together. What does this dream signify?
I stole money from someone i know after my cell phone was stolen, I had drinks with my favorite elementary school gym teacher in the hallways. Ran through a church ceremony, running but could barely balance. It felt like I was running through mud because I kept sinking trying to make it home. Someone was defecating in a bathroom saying thank you after every fece was dropped. I almost got smashed by cars there was so much traffic.the gas station by my house surrounded by fences, and the traffic lights wouldn\'t turn green in my direction.It stayed red.
I stole money from someone i know after my cell phone was stolen, I had drinks with my favorite elementary school gym teacher in the hallways. Ran through a church ceremony, running but could barely balance. It felt like I was running through quick sand trying to make it home. Someone was defecating in a bathroom saying thank you after every fece was dropped. I almost got smashed by incoming and outgoing traffic.the gas station by my house surrounded by fences, and the traffic lights wouldn't turn green in my direction.
I was seated outside aclassroom with someone sitted infront of me and one at the back.I then heard avoice say out `the eye of God`.i looked up and saw what looked like an eye and a drop af what looked like a tear fell so i got out of my seat and watched it fall slowly but the others didn`t see or hear whati heard.The tear then dropped as i watched and when it hit the ground at aninstance water poured once from the sky.As we run for shelter i then looked at the people infront of me who had already entered the room and hey were naked,i then looked at myself and i was naked too.so i run in and at the door as i entered some force tried to prevent me from entering but i over powered it .as soon as i entered i went into hiding because there were people outside.But when i looked at myself again i was dressed so i went out and i felt so much fulfilment and joy as the sun was bright and everyone was happy and playing.In side me was joy as though we were expecting a ceremony.
I dream that I am at my daughters wedding, but I am wearing the wedding dress. I walking in a long gallery and looking at the wedding pictures. In all the pictures I used to be in, my exhusband first wife is in and the wedding is actually their wedding. She looks beautifull with long blond hair and bright green eyes. At the ceremony they must release a dove, but the dove is actually me. They release me and I fly high and away. This is the dream.
In reality I have just divorced my husband in the dream and he is back together with his first wife. I desperately want him back.
I saw an auditorium full of people taking photographs. A bride and groom were standing off to the right side of the stage, but there was no ceremony going on. I couldn't see anyone's faces.
I saw an auditorium full of people taking pictures. A bride and groom were standing off to the right side of the stage, but there was no ceremony going on. I couldn't see anyone's faces.
My boyfriend and I got married. I got so drunk prior to the wedding that I couldn't remember the ceremony