Understand My Dreams

Dreams asked him

I was living with my parents my sister was also living there. Me and my sister got into an arguement , my mom kicked me out so i went and lived with my friend dwight who i barely ever talk to he was living with his girlfriend . We were all sleeping in the same room his girlfriend came over and took off her panties and go into the bed with me and asked him tim come to bed in the bed we were in he said no and got out of his bed. Me and his girlfriend layed there for a bit spooning then she got up and then we all went to the kitchen and he was making sandwhiches and told me if i wanted one so i made myself one.

I was walking on this road and I saw a boy coming. For some reason, I was really scared of him. An old man walking beside me put his arm around me and protected me. Some girls came to rob me or whatever but he saved me. We didn't talk the whole while, but when it was time to go, I asked him for his name. He didn't reply but I told mine. Then he asked me for my age and I said that age never matters. But then I blurted out that I was 18, and yet I didn't get a reply from him. He started tearing up and cried with a sad smile. He vanished in the crowd and i ran after him. However, i guess I'd lost him already. When I went back home, I cried and cried. I woke up crying.

I had a dream that it was 6th pd and for some reason Jake was in our class. Im not sure what started it but he started saying extremely offensive things insulting homosexuals and he would not shut up. Throughout the whole thing i couldn't speak no matter how much anger had built up. The thing was no one spoke up until i noticed Chris made this face of like I had enough of your shit stood up , walked over to jake who was right next to me and asked him Why do you hate them so much? What did they do to you? Is it cause you're brainwashed by religion that you're like this? Then jake got pissed and insulted Chris so Chris pushed him back. Then suddenly jake tried to punch him and i had stood up and stopped him from punching Chris. I did that twice throughout the confrontation. Finally it ended and towards the end of class Chris came over and hugged me as a thank you.

I dreamt about my boyfriend married his ex. In the dream he was suppose to be going to Mexico that weekend to get married I was shocked and asked him why he didn't tell me. He said he was going to call the wedding off because he loved me and wanted to be with me. In the dream his family called her Jennifer and in real life I find out that was her name. It's crazy. Also in the dream I was not angry or upset I was curious how he had this relationship when he was with me all the time and when I asked him that in my dream he responded that they never saw each other cause he told her he was working 24/7. He then told her the wedding was off because he wanted to be with me and she became upset and we just went on our merry way Not sure what this means because we are having no problems and she is no where in the picture. I'm not worried or jealous but found it very odd that I would have this dream after being together almost 2 years. What does this mean?

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