Understand My Dreams

Dreams and my mom

In my dream i was at my aunts work my mom was downstairs with my cousin, all of a sudden we saw this funnel start forming next thing i knew my mom and my cousin were with us and my cousin started flying towards the shattered glass so i went towards her and laid over her to protect her from getting anymore injurys, i looked at my brother who was right next to me and could see the pain in his eye i kept getting hit with glass and debree all of a sudden it was like there were no tornados when we went downstairs to freshen up its like nothing happend like we were the only ones injured so we started cleaning up the ourselves and went back and my mom looked at me my cousin and brother like if we had all been fighting but yet the windows were blown in still and downtown was a complete mess i woke up cause i felt like i was getting cut by glass when i was up i didnt see anything abnormal in my bed

I wake up and look in the mirror and there are roots or branches growing out of my face... I then notice that my hands are bruised bright red and blue. I see that there are what looks like embedded red vines around all of my joints. i have bruises all over my body. i go to pull the roots out of my face and my Mom walks in. She tells me to be careful because one of the roots is attached to my eyelid. She told me to be careful with Lucy... She kept calling the roots Lucy.

It was a clear night I was laying down on my back and out of nowhere surrounded by water that reflected the clear dark blue and black sky. I noticed the water had ripples but you couldn't see to the bottom... I look up and my mom was standing near me and hands me this baby wrapped in white, I look at it and said this baby isn't mines and I look again and ask myself "is it"... then I look at the babies face and said its bright and kinda looks like me but isn't mines... I was unsure and I held it close my chest while it slept on me. then I woke up

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