I was at church it was a big building with my family. thier was a lot of people thier it was like an old stadium then for a moment we were waiting and my children where playing while we were waiting for the preacher then i got tired of waiting and i was ready to go, then i went looking for my boyfriend . he was talking to somebody i told him i was ready to go amnd to get the kids then i walked away to the van with my infant the van was parked on a him when i closed the door the van started rolling back and it wrecked and hit the building i jumped to the drivers seat to stop it from rolling back and the i noticed i was driveing the car forward trying to avoid something from the building hitting the car and it hit the car and rolled out in front of us then i stopped the car then got out looked toward the building then realized my kids were still in the church playing and at that second the church started falling apart and i yelled screaming and crying for my kids December 21, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
A have had repeated dreams of that a live in a house that I've never seen before but it's the exact same when I dream of it all furniture is in same place and cats that have wrecked my kitchen a d.nt have a cat only a dog November 25, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that there was a gravel road I was driving on and I couldn't get through it so I turned around to go the other way and my car rolled down a hill and wrecked. Than I had a dream my boyfriend was being tortured his friend was cutting his arm, they wanted to kill him. They told me lets kill him. I tried to call 911 but I kept dialing the wrong numbers. I took his knife away as his friend was cutting his arm he had blue gloves on. I felt scared I woke up after throwing the knife back at him and running out the door and he threw the knife at me into the door than I woke up. October 27, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream me and my three children were in a car wreck and it slid down a hill into the water two of the children made it out but the other child drown and came to me as a ghost January 09, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Agents,mafia,gangsters, or somebody is Trying to kill me. they are chasing me endlessly and I narrowly escape every time. I don't know who and why but they try really hard and always eventually find me. people I know help me, I feel like I know them and I don't want them to get hurt from collateral effects. A skinny black guy. Felt Somalian in a grey hat and grey shorts. Keeps asking me if I am me I say no because I know he's going to kill me if I say yes and also asks something like if I'm the guy who shot myself or someone to make sure I'm the guy he's looking for 100% (To the right is traffic lights. Left is barron field.) if I'm the guy who shot my self? A white Cadillac Escalade pickup truck sees me during this conversation and I know there trying to kill me. I fake them out n escape by running. He finds me in the hotel room with people I know. They are having a good time until I see the assassins shoes at the door. Its the somolian assassin. He alone at the door but I feel like he has lots of people. So I jump through the window its a one floor hotel. Try to call 911 but I hit 922 or something. Then the guy picks up and is an idiot. And I try to explain I'm in arizona?(I live in toronto but I think the dream is in arizona?) the grey hat and short skinny Somalian assassin came around the back and found me. He had a sharp shiny large knife. He tried to stab me a couple of times but I dodged it. Not sure if he got me a little bit with the knife or not but I barely dodge it. But I overpower him and have him in the full mount. And I'm about to slit his throat and he changed to my cat (I treat my cat as a son.) as I was killing him. I cried while I sawed my cats throat killing him. while I'm sawing his throat which takes a while I loook at a clock, Then it jumps forward and felt like time was up. It felt confusing and I new it didn't make sense. I hid in the far backyard by the fence. Behind a lil hill dirt pile until I seen help looking for me. I asked for tony soprano cuz I was scared and hed protect me and some people helping pointed him out he was in boxers and a white undershirt with his head in his hands sitting and looked like a wreck mentally. Then I said wait I'm dreaming and woke up. December 19, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Car wreck and I am arrested and put in jail. feeling of things closing in. November 21, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Seeing a car wreck your in but it doesn't happen in the dream November 17, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Me having gay sex with another male i feel happy doing it but my head do be wrecked when i wake up January 14, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis