I dreamt i was pregnant and in labour catching waves and swimming with silver fish in the ocean, i then gave birth to a baby girl feet first
To dream about silver
I dreamt I pulled a long silver pin with a round head out of the heel of my foot, I kept finding more, and was surprised it didn't hurt.
Shimmering silver blouse on a friend
I had a dream that my little sister and I were on a walk and a man pulled up in a silver car. I told my little sister to run to the coffee shop. The man conversed with me and then insinuated that he was going to rape me. He brought me to a room with a bunch of strangers. I was later picked up by police and brought to a group home.
I'm a girl in a shower stall with a boy. We are both bathing, unafraid and without embarassment. I am washing my hair with silver shampoo. Someone runs to find me saying that feeding the birds in the park is a violation. Hunters are now shooting them. Birds chirp at me from a tree overhead.
I had a dream that my mom bought a buddah statue. It was slim, tall and silver. It turned out to be alive and would grow to be really big. It was in my apartment and would walk around my hallway and crawl through rooms and curl up and sleep. It would sometimes stand with me and my family in our livingroom... I was really scared of it and would try and avoid it at all cost even trying to leave the house.
I don't know what this means but I would like to.
I dreamt i was pregnant having a pain free labour and catching waves swimming with silver fish in the ocean, I thne gave birth to breech baby girl
I dreamt of 3 mangalsutras separately placed in a silver tray
Silver car house man