Police and animals
Guy trying to attack me in bedroom. Chased me on streets at night in the rain. He was dressed as a policeman
I had a dream that i went to visist a high school friends and we had a good time, then when i was almost leaving the thugs attacke us, they stub me on the back and also my friends and held us down for more than two hours. it was realy a horrifying moment when later police came to our rescure but funly enough they thugs managed to run away non of them was cought.
We were living in a small apartment and with us was a mexican and only our room was light. But we were scared of the police so we got into a car and went looking for something. The road was so tight and there was barely no place for to cars to pass by
I was sitting on top of police Vanir too of a van
I was sitting on top of police van
i dreamt about a dolls pram and a tramp who had knifes by a tree i was walking along pathway on my phone to a friend then i rang the police to tell them then i woke up
Secretly involved with a police officer while in jail
Running from police and celebrity
I dreamt of killing a child and then policemen before trying to kill myself but failing. Then going
To jail