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Dreams path

Found 470 dreams containing path - Page 12

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I dreamt that I was at a school. I teach for a living, so assume I was working there. Staff and the students were on the play ground. It seems we were waiting for dismissal. We heard a rumbling sound, like thunder, coming from the right of us. Bright lights were coming from that direction too. The next thing I knew, a group of Native Americans on horse back (white horses) came toward us in formation. It was almost like a stampede but no one got hurt. All the horses and Native Americans followed the same path, circularing the school, hooping and hollaring. Then, they were gone over the same direction from which they came. Students, staff and I quickly found shelter and began to find ways to get out of there. Many students left on busses. I finally found my car but admist of the parking lot were people attempting to break in and steal the cars. One of them had my hood open. I got in, locked the doors, started the car and took off. I got half way down Morrow Mtn when I decided to stop to lower the hood. the next thing I knew, spears were being thrown. I began to run.

I was walking with my aunt then we pass through a place that is being constructed then i started seeing 1 peso coins its made of nickel but are silverin color its our local coin, which i didnt picked after passing that place that was being constructed we pass through plot of soil where i started seeing 5 peso coins its still one of our local coins made of copper and is gold in color and i started collecting those on our way back home i took two 1 peso coins from the other side of the plot then we passed through a rough plot made of small stone and pebbles my aunt walked there but when i tried its as if the plot is a newly cemented one so i told her its still soft and that she shouldnt walked there and that its dirty i had all the coins in my pocket then we pass through a narrow pathway where i picked a silver plate which i brought home then I told my mom about the coins i picked and the silver plate.

I was walking with my aunt then we pass through a place that is being constructed then I started seeing 1 peso coins which i didnt picked after passing that place that was being constructed wepass through plot of soil where i started seeing 5 peso coins and i started collecting those.. On our way back home I took two 1 peso coins from the other side of the plot then we passed through a rough plot made of small stone my aunt walked there but when I tried its as if thr plot is a newly cemented one do i told her its still soft and that she shouldnt walked there and that its dirty.. I had all the coins in my pocket then we pass through a narrow pathway where I picked a silver plate

In my dream, I found myself standing on a small hill. I was surrounded by other small hills all around me. The grass was exceedingly green and the sky was dark with storm clouds. Only... the sky was a pale pink, not gray. I remember feeling so at peace as I walked up and down the rolling grassy hills. Suddenly as I walked down the last hill I came into a valley with what looked like a small city carved into the natural stone. I walked through the pathways carved in the stone, room after room, hallway after hallway. Finally I reached the end and walked into the center of the city. There were cobblestone streets, and dead trees on every corner. The trees were painted a royal blue. I remember touching them and thinking how warm and safe I felt there. I know it doesn't sound like that relevent of a dream, but I find it strange how at home I felt there, how peaceful, and how strangely beautiful it all was. I just want to know what it could mean, and why the most beautiful place I've ever seen, has only been seen when my eyes are closed.

I was with mihir and vamsi one night doing stupid stuff as usual and I was running around the street but then a car going like 394748494 mph almost ran us over but it stopped right before it hit us The person driving the car ended up being Sanjana and she was with two guys Mihir was like shit is this a hookup And she didn't say anything, just had a guilty face on and drove away with the two freaky looking white men So I came back to her dorm and susmita was her roommate and I was looking around trying to find answers And I found out that she and shamaas broke up and susmita and Sanjana were eating some type of candy It was weird candy But then A (pretty little liars) showed up and took a candy of the same color that Sanjana was eating (pink), and mixed some chemical in it, basically drugging Sanjana who eventually ate it And then the two white men showed up and she just left So I went and called 911 but susmita was telling me not to and that we should just find her But I said we should have 911 looking for her too But when I called 911, there was some type of group call where some lady was tellin them about her breakup and 911 wasn't helping with my case at all So we both ran to find Sanjana but then in the dream, the person switched to manasa And we found manasa and Moni(her cousin) came too, back to the dorm And manasa's parents were there And manasa was like my parents knew we were fighting and the scene switched to my house where everyone was cooking and manasas dad was yelling at manasa and monisha I was making paneer o.o And then the scene switched and I was at some lake resort water park with my baby cousins and manasa and family And no one could fit into this one tunnel path thing...except for my baby cousin And she went over and came back because I yelled at her to and then my mom was like YOURE ON YOUR PERIOD WHY ARE YOU IN THERE and that was the end of the dream

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