Understand My Dreams

Dreams number

I dream quite frequently that I am in my parents house (the one I grew up in) and I'm trying to cook for lots of people, however, the kitchen is over crowded with dishes in the sink and stuff piled up on the counter. Also, there are already a number of things cooking on the stove. I can't get anything out of the fridge because it is fully stocked and if I try to take something, everything will fall. Same with the cupboards. My sister is usually in the dream. And there is always lots of people sitting around the kitchen table.

I dreamt a small innocent looking man in his 60s was catching a female mute swan to be taken somewhere. He put her in the back of a delivery van (in this case, frozen chips/fries) but it was empty. As he put her in he threw her because she tried to defend herself and then I witnessed him throwing a large heavy roll of paper at her and shouting You S.O.B... The make swan was calling for her (with the voice of a stag) from the public park where they lived. The man disappeared but I had taken down the number on van to report. He returned and i somehow got in the van and rescued the swan who was all bound up and strung up like a trophy. The man said he was going to kill both of us but I got her out and released her back into her habitat. He found out and chased me, but then I found his van all boarded up in an attempt to hid his identity. I ripped it all off to show people who he was.

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