I stand in nothing, but a blank white room naked. There are twelve other me's there and all bearing a mask, the faces of twelve of my friends, even those not my friends but former friends. They all stand and laugh at me, as I try to ignore them I cannot help, but feel I must help them, yet unsure from what. At the end of my dream a rabbit glowing green light tells me something, but I cannot hear it, then awake from my dream. April 16, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
First on a ride that flies but there was no safety rail and i am holding on like mad. I fly off and a weird man approaches and tells me i have to swim across the water to the other dock. As i dive in i see a man fishing for dolphins. One swims really fast to the surface so i race to the dock and climb out. He sends me and my family through a door and down a corridor. As we walk i notice a goat is staring behind us and whenever i try to look it hides. We reach the end of the corridor and go through the only unlocked door. My dad is staring at the wall and as i turn around from him i notice a figure dressed in a trench coat, wearing a gas mask walking towards us. As is gets closer it throws a pair of scissors at me and attacks my dad with garden shears. I pick the scissors up and throw them back but nothing happened. My dad still trying to fight the figure off i pick a shovel up and swing the sharp edge at the figures head several times. My brother screams from the previous corridor, i poke my head out the door and see there is another figure attacking him. I knew my best chances were to get dad help so he could help save my brother. After several more hits the figure stops attacking my father and walks towards me. My dad falls to the ground gasping for air, i am battling this thing. Eventually i kill it and run to the corridor to find my brother has gone and so has the second figure. April 19, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Me an a few of my friends and family are sitting in my room talking we here a noise down the hall so we estigate the hall light is on as a small figure bounces around at the end of the hall we look closer finding a small person that only comes up to my knee with a tikki mask on his face and a leaf skirt on he turns to us and roars a scary as hell roar showing the mask was really his face he gives chase as we all run into my room my friend gets caught and is ripped limb by limb apart by the small creature it reaches my door and stands in the frame staring at us as if confused then it turns and runs down the hall all night we hid in my room as it ran up and down the hall causing noise and destroying things we would peak out to see if it was gone and it was waiting for us some of us got caught and was ripped apart but me a few hid still when we wake from finally falling asleep he stood in the door way again with his sharp little teeth grinning then suddenly he let out another scary roar stretching his jaw as big as his head then dispersed down the hall once again the next night after he tautened us and waited for us he fell asleep again when we woke i rolled over finding it in my bed starring at me with a sharp toothed grin i jumped out of bed thinking it was the end and asked it what it wanted it stood up and in a creepy little voice it said "you can help me kill the goblin " then it opened its mouth and attacked me with a deep roar again then i woke up from the nightmare March 29, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was a boy with another boy beating me up, then we were 18 and i saw him in a bar and i was going to make fun of him then i decided to be the bigger man and stop, then an Indian in the same bar broke off a piece of a giant wooden cross and told the bar tender he was going to kill him for not allowing his people in there then an old man told him to smarten up and took the giant wooden cross and gave it to me, i was in my black jacket and a white mask, i walked up the stairs of the bar and it was suddenly a cathedral, all the steps had words and bible versus after it, as i walked up the stairs a women in a dress ran up behind me and we walked together until a bright life came April 21, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis