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Dreams harp

Found 202 dreams containing harp - Page 12

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

Dream- I tried to auto pilot myself to the dentist with meaghan and moms jettas because they were the only cars that could. The blazer couldn't. Then I tried using a motorized cooler scooter but it was too slow for the highway. There was a cavern in my backyard in which for a brief second I saw an owl flutter around. I later saw Dottie try to get the owl and have told me he had stabbed it. There was a large apartment complex playing metal music as if the guy was supposed to be calling the owl, right where the house past ms Collins was. I found the man at a community daycare as he walked in the door and knew immeadiatley that he had an owl after he said "maybe an ostrich would be nice" The family then took a trip to a seaside location I've never seen before, and we saw tons of people cleaning up stuff, while others were sitting, it seemed like a rocky sharp shore by the sea and a town bordering it very closely and elevated. We then saw a place where I said " I have seen Dave Matthews band here before, after a tour guide said that Dave Matthews was selling the building there. Meaghan (sister) quickly hushed me and said shut up you know who we were with. (Somehow implying Dad) then my alarm went off.

First on a ride that flies but there was no safety rail and i am holding on like mad. I fly off and a weird man approaches and tells me i have to swim across the water to the other dock. As i dive in i see a man fishing for dolphins. One swims really fast to the surface so i race to the dock and climb out. He sends me and my family through a door and down a corridor. As we walk i notice a goat is staring behind us and whenever i try to look it hides. We reach the end of the corridor and go through the only unlocked door. My dad is staring at the wall and as i turn around from him i notice a figure dressed in a trench coat, wearing a gas mask walking towards us. As is gets closer it throws a pair of scissors at me and attacks my dad with garden shears. I pick the scissors up and throw them back but nothing happened. My dad still trying to fight the figure off i pick a shovel up and swing the sharp edge at the figures head several times. My brother screams from the previous corridor, i poke my head out the door and see there is another figure attacking him. I knew my best chances were to get dad help so he could help save my brother. After several more hits the figure stops attacking my father and walks towards me. My dad falls to the ground gasping for air, i am battling this thing. Eventually i kill it and run to the corridor to find my brother has gone and so has the second figure.

I Had A Dream I Was walking And Had A Quick Conversation, it didnt End Well And The Guy Ended Up Stabbibg Me With A Knife , this knife Was One Of My Own That I Used To have, a very Very Sharp Double Edged 3" Fixed Blade, he ran Away, i found A Wheelbarrow Or Something To Lay down In, i couldnt Feel Pain But There Was A Lot Of Blood Coming Out, i foung a Towel On The Ground To Press Against The Wound To try and stop The Bleeding, it would Just Keep pooling Everytime i Took The soaked Towel Off. i kept Going Up To Houses But Other People Didnt Want to Help Me. I Eneded Up Going Up To My Ex Gfs House And The Guy That stabbed Me Was There And I was Like Yo Dude, You Stabbed Me And Im Bleeding Hella Bad, he said whatever Then I woke Up

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