I saw ablack man called Tobias, my wife has connection to him in some way newer understood that October 27, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was with a native American on top of a mountain looking at a city made of gold he played an acoustic guitar and i sang a song called laughter in the wind September 03, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Called mom via phone to see if she was ok and coulswalk,she said she was fine.she is deceased.asked if she wanted to come out for some red wine.my close friends never showed up.The restaurant was in.the park August 28, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Went to Iceland and met some Canadians on a train while trying to take a picture of the scenery. My boyfriend and I were not able to talk but I called him and he answered. My friend came in with his brothers coat and his brother came to fight him for it. We stopped the train and stopped for supper. August 08, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
The elevator in Grand Rapids free called before I got there and 14 people died. For some reason I was there for a school field trip. Me and one other guy were going down the elevator and as it was about to fall I heard my dads car. When it was falling it was very scary and I thought maybe I could make it. But when I got to the bottom I woke up. Which that means I died in my dream August 08, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Last night, I had a dream and I was with two other persons and we were at a place like an office environment not a place I am familiar with. Then a man came to lead us to another place and they called him Prof. Then he took us into this lift and we stood with our head is something fixed a compartment of the lift as part of the lift design took the lift took off and our head turned downward with so much speed and but when we approach the destination our head were up again and our feet back and were pass through an a very big ocean. When we were arriving, we drop like landing from a parashot and prof. walked away and in search for him I met a woman who said I should wait for a room to be free for her to prepare for me to settle but I could not locate the other persons I came with nor prof. although I saw a lot of people at the place either waiting or chatting on their phones and I was there to work for three weeks so I ask the lady whether there wasn’t alternative transport except for only that lift connecting the two places and she said yes. I took over an organisation where some of the staff do not comply to rule and regulation and always undermining authority. I also have pressure to secure a partnership for my work and the institution i have contacted is very slow in concluding the deal November 20, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Last night, I had a dream and I was with two other persons and we were at a place like an office environment not a place I am familiar with. Then a man called prof. came and led us to another place. Then he took us into a lift and we stood with our head fixed to a compartment of the lift that we did not see each other but when the lift took off we were riding in the open across a very big ocean in extremely fast speed with our heads turned upside down but when we approach the destination our heads were turned upright and we landed on our feet at the shore. we landed like from a parashot and prof. who led us walked away and in search for him I met a woman who said I should wait for a room to be free for her to prepare for me to settle but I could not locate the other persons I came with nor prof. although I saw a lot of people at the place either standing and smiling at me or chatting on their phones and I was there to work for three weeks so I ask the lady whether there wasn’t alternative transport except for only that lift to connect the two places and she said yes. November 20, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in my grandmothers old house. the lights wouldnt turn on, it was kinda scary. i go upstairs and someone have covered a light switch. the house was scary. i walk down and see my brother as a younger person before he died sitting in the recliner. at one point in the dream i am wrestling with a cat. the cat is trying to bite me and is very strong. i realize its not even my cat. it was supossed to have been a cat i had once in my lifetime and i even called it by name and realized it wasnt that cat when it was attacking me.i walk down and i see nurses over a bed with my son in it who is 9. then i see a baby crawling toward me and thought it was a ghost baby and started saying i found my baby. the nurses take the baby and say i stole another mans baby and say your son is right here and point to the child in the bed. i panic and start running because in the dream in my mind i think they are going to commit me. i run into a room and see my dad he is in the bed listening to headphones. i jump in bed with him. he was paralyzed which in real life he was. but then in walks his ghost from when he used to be able to walk and has something in his hands he is trying to show me. i start kicking at him and get woke up because someone wakes me up because i am screaming in real life while asleep. November 05, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was diagnosed negative after an hiv test and then called and told a mistake had been made and i was actually positive November 20, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis