I guy I like was talking to me. We were laughing and having a good time and soon we were talking about the future. All of this was happening while we were watching a little kid. He asked me about becoming a mom, which made me smile, and I asked him about becoming a dad, which made him blush. It was a very sentimental moment for the both of us. We were sitting in my bedroom alone, though there were friends in the other rooms May 09, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
My ex boyfriend and I broke up because he said that he's ex girlfriend came back. We have only been together for three months before the break up but I fell for him. We have been seeing each other again every two months just four months after the break up. The last time we saw each other was five months ago but we still call and text each other once in a while. Three days ago, I asked him if he can be serious with me and if not, I had to let him go. He said yes, so we planned to meet this coming Wednesday. Last night, I dreamt that a guy that I don't know came to me and asked me if I could hurt my ex for him. I said "No, I love him and I don't even know you". I screamed at him asking what happened to my ex and then he said that he was killed because he just "keeps loading". I didn't understand what he meant by "he just keeps loading" so I asked the guy. He didn't answer and that was the end. I woke up crying in the middle of the night. May 05, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I have never met this person before in real life only seen them around ... but 3 people were dressed in "Scream" costumes and trying to pull pranks on me, one of them tracked me down put a knife to my stomach then ran away. Later on I escaped to a party at my parents house with lots of relatives and this guy who I know from real life was there, he told me he was the one in the scream costume playing pranks on me. He then told me something I had not told anyone about and I asked him if i had told him and he said no he just knew. February 24, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was walking around looking for my boyfriend and I couldn't find him... So I decided to walk to his friend's place and knocked on the door... he walk on the floor talking with his friend and this girl... I had asked my boyfriend what he was doing and his friend said he will be out in a min... So I closed the door and thought, why is he wearing her jacket... I got upset and open the door and asked him why he wearing her jacket.... She said, because he can... I got mad and told him to stand up and I took the jacket and put it on the table... Turn around she gave it back to him so I threw it outside... Then his friend told the girl I threw her jacket outside and his friend said that my boyfriend was about to get oral sex from the girl... I got upset and mad and start to fight his friend.... Then my boyfriend was trying to apologize, but I ran away crying because I couldn't believe he could do something like this... He was running behind me trying to apologize and get my attention and I wasn't trying to hear it because it hurt me... I didn't want to hear anything he say... Then he left with the friend that I just got in the fight with because he told me my boyfriend was about to get oral sex from the girl.... and came back really late like he can do whatever he wants and showing he done forgot or don't care about what happened... So start crying again and woke up crying... February 23, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Bobby kinsey was sitting on a couch in front of a fence when magali aleman asked him what he would say if she asked him out and bobby said yes February 16, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
We were at school preparing for the cross country and for some reason there were two teams of students. I was on one with my friend Clare and on the other team were some different friends too. But it was also a race to the cross country place by bicycle for the teams. And there were these weird things with a carriage that had to be pushed or pulled bye some one on the bike. Anyway i was on the bike pushing the carriage and starting to exit high school. I could feel my self falling from the bike because i was holding the carriage with one hand and it was pulling me off of the bike. I somehow managed to not be pulled off of my bike and ended up in front of the carriage. I had sped out the gates and some boys yelled something but i couldn't here what it was. Then i used the breaks. They weren't the best and i stopped and looked around. Clare came up behind me and told me there had been an accident. I rode back a bit then dumped the bike and went to see what was going on. I saw a boy from my year called Jedha M. He was doing this weird stressing out thing. Constantly moving his hat and shaking one leg up and down kinda. His eyes looked like they were tearing up and i didn't know why. I went and talked to him and i found out that Jedha's twin brother had been the one in the accident and had gotten hurt. I then saw Scotty, a teachers aid, put his gloved hand into a puddle of water and when he drew his hand out it hand out it was covered in blood.I then saw Jasper, (the twin from the accident) sitting on a concrete slab with cuts on his face and blood around. Scotty was on one knee in front of him with a scalpel and was digging the cuts with it. Obviously trying to get dirt and infections out. I asked Jedha if they had any gauzes yet and he said no, then i asked him if he wanted to get them. He said yes and we went past Jasper and i asked if he was alright before going to get some gauzes for the wound. We were just heading under a passage way towards the office when Scotty appeared and he was carrying gauzes. His eyes were watering so i asked if he wanted me and Jedha to take them. He nodded and past over the gauzes,scissors and some sort of healing ointment i think. He then walked away with watering eyes. Jedha and I were heading back to where Jasper was when my friend Leon appeared and he looked so sad then when i asked what had happened he told me he thought i hated him because i didn't...... I don't remember what happened next anymore but its not the first time I've had a dream where Jasper and Jedha were in it. Oh and did i mention that it was raining and the school was starting to flood the entire time in this dream?. March 28, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream of my male cousin. We were cuddling with eachother meanwhile. In real, he is my first cousin and he is 2 years older than me. We were very friendly with eachother in our childhood. When we grow up, he asked me to buy personal cell, at that time i was 16 years old and he was 18. I didnt understands that he was interested in me at that time. And i didnt respond very well at that time. When i was 19 years old. I realize that he likes me. I asked him after a year that if he likes me. Then he answered, NO ! I don't. I said, You saw me in your dream and you asked me for a cell? What was it about? He said, its too late. You ignored me at that time. I said, I was not mature enough to understand your feelings, And now I have many of his dreams. I mostly see myself with him and I saw in my dream that me and he are cuddling with eachother. Kissing etc. Why i see him so much in my dreams? February 27, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was walking around looking for my boyfriend and I couldn't find him... So I decided to walk to his friend's place and knocked on the door... he walk on the flood talking with his friend and this girl... I had asked my boyfriend what he was doing and his friend said he will be out in a min... So I closed the door and thought, why is he wearing her jacket... I got upset and open the door and asked him why he wearing her jacket.... She said, because he can... I got mad and told him to stand up and I took the jacket and put it on the table... Turn around she gave it back to him so I threw it outside... Then his friend told the girl I threw her jacket outside and his friend said that my boyfriend was about to get oral sex from the girl... I got upset and mad and start to fight his friend.... Then my boyfriend was trying to apologize, but I ran away crying because I couldn't believe he could do something like this... He was running behind me trying to apologize and get my attention and I wasn't trying to hear it because it hurt me... I didn't want to hear anything he say... Then he left with the friend that I just got in the fight with because he told me my boyfriend was about to get oral sex from the girl.... and came back really late like he can do whatever he wants and showing he done forgot or don't care about what happened... So start crying again and woke up crying... February 23, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that my former boyfriend whom I still communicate with had a baby with his baby 's mother and he was so nice to me and I found out the the baby's mother was ok with our relationship and I asked him how could he and he told me they we're talking and went I the bedroom. Then he was kind of rude and I woke up February 20, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Hello, my husband was shot/or suicide few months ago... i often dream of him ... last night i dreamt that i went to his grave with his friends, but he was among his friends and looking at me with a weird look . then we went somewhere he was there too, his head injury was cured and i got surprised that he is ok,then remembered that already 4 months passed...i was happy he was alive ... then he kissed a girl and told her that he wants to do sex with her in the new house ... i was mad and asked him what are you talking ? he told what's wrong with that ? then we are somewhere else a girl(a dirty girl) whom he knew when he was alive was there also visiting him... i'm mad that she's there and called her whore ... he told me that she took $100 from him and that's why she came there no other thing between them. ... she then changed her clothes infront of us laughing .... i was so annoyed with the dream ... please help me if it has a meaning February 04, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis