I dreamt I was having trouble seeing. I was inside and it was all dark and then I realized I had my sunglasses on. I did this three or four times. I decided I was feeling unwell so I came back up to my room and started gushing blood out if my nose with huge clots. I felt so weak and though I was going to die. I tried to call 911 but could barely speak on the phone. October 10, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt my family was all at our house. My mom and dad were arguing about something. My sister and I were sitting downstairs in my room reading over something. My mom then came down to my room followed by my father My sister asked my mom if her and I had to type up the script and when she asked that dad ran up the stairs faster then ever and I thought he was hurting my mom. So immediately followed him to see that my mom was OK but that my dad had trampled over my now deceased grandma. I could see her bleeding in multiple places. The back of her right thigh, her lower back and her right eye. I put pressure on the bleeding from her thigh and kept telling her to stay withe. My mom started crying and worrying and yelled to my sister to call 911 December 25, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Agents,mafia,gangsters, or somebody is Trying to kill me. they are chasing me endlessly and I narrowly escape every time. I don't know who and why but they try really hard and always eventually find me. people I know help me, I feel like I know them and I don't want them to get hurt from collateral effects. A skinny black guy. Felt Somalian in a grey hat and grey shorts. Keeps asking me if I am me I say no because I know he's going to kill me if I say yes and also asks something like if I'm the guy who shot myself or someone to make sure I'm the guy he's looking for 100% (To the right is traffic lights. Left is barron field.) if I'm the guy who shot my self? A white Cadillac Escalade pickup truck sees me during this conversation and I know there trying to kill me. I fake them out n escape by running. He finds me in the hotel room with people I know. They are having a good time until I see the assassins shoes at the door. Its the somolian assassin. He alone at the door but I feel like he has lots of people. So I jump through the window its a one floor hotel. Try to call 911 but I hit 922 or something. Then the guy picks up and is an idiot. And I try to explain I'm in arizona?(I live in toronto but I think the dream is in arizona?) the grey hat and short skinny Somalian assassin came around the back and found me. He had a sharp shiny large knife. He tried to stab me a couple of times but I dodged it. Not sure if he got me a little bit with the knife or not but I barely dodge it. But I overpower him and have him in the full mount. And I'm about to slit his throat and he changed to my cat (I treat my cat as a son.) as I was killing him. I cried while I sawed my cats throat killing him. while I'm sawing his throat which takes a while I loook at a clock, Then it jumps forward and felt like time was up. It felt confusing and I new it didn't make sense. I hid in the far backyard by the fence. Behind a lil hill dirt pile until I seen help looking for me. I asked for tony soprano cuz I was scared and hed protect me and some people helping pointed him out he was in boxers and a white undershirt with his head in his hands sitting and looked like a wreck mentally. Then I said wait I'm dreaming and woke up. December 19, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm at an unknown families house when a fire starts. I called 911 but didn't know the address so gave the phone to a fam member for direction. I assumed the fire department was on the way while I attended to the fire but the dumb fam didn't know the address. a small fire took down the whole house. I was so upset we all went to dinner on dock pier... literally on the dock ramp... several of them lined up... the bartender flirty w me and made a good margarita. December 10, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that there was a gravel road I was driving on and I couldn't get through it so I turned around to go the other way and my car rolled down a hill and wrecked. Than I had a dream my boyfriend was being tortured his friend was cutting his arm, they wanted to kill him. They told me lets kill him. I tried to call 911 but I kept dialing the wrong numbers. I took his knife away as his friend was cutting his arm he had blue gloves on. I felt scared I woke up after throwing the knife back at him and running out the door and he threw the knife at me into the door than I woke up. October 27, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
A monster came to my house when just my brothers and i were home alone. it tried to kill us but we escaped to my cottage. My parents were then home alone so we wanted to warn them about the monster. i kept calling my mom but she wouldnt answer her phone. I called my neighbor to see if she would help but she wouldnt. She was being really mean and it made me suspicious of her. So then I called 911 but they wouldnt help either. Then my parents eventually showed up at the cottage so it was okay October 26, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Left my door unlocked and a man came in and tried to steal my furniture but I confronted him and called 911 October 24, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I keep dreaming that my boyfriend mistress set my house on fire tried to call 911 but couldn't December 27, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream about getting a knife and stabbing someone for money or something. And then my mom accused me of lying which mad me mad and ruined a family vacation. Then also, my dad had some kind of heart attack where I was left trying to call 911 and get help. November 19, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis