Understand My Dreams

Dreams wreck

Kept leaving doors open & unlocked. Finally left my car door open to my moms Tahoe & everything was stolen except credit cards that are were temporary or don't work. The Tahoe door led to to Julia Aason's (cousin) house where they stole everything including furniture , I think. But I couldn't really tell bc i had never been there so I wasn't sure if she had any to begin with. Her roommate was in the house when we got there. At first I screamed at her bc I thought she was the one who robbed the place. She asked how I planned to fix this. I was crying & freaking out. My friends felt bad for me. I was so mad at myself & disappointed. We went outside (heard something?) & there was a couple in a white car that had came back for more stuff. I freaked out on them & for some reason the guy actually looked scared of me. I started after them & he wrecked his car into a pole. I dragged him half way out of the car & he was already bloody from the accident but I started beating the crap out of him. Either my friends or Julia's roommate went after the chick. Then my alarm went off.

I cut the whole inside of my mouth on my left side. I told my mom and she took me to the emergency room hospital . I saw contacts on a table there. Then I woke up inside the dream and I had stitches Inside my mouth. I was going to homestead college ?i found a guy and since he was older than me I told him that I like him. His mother liked me too. Contacts Almost crashed the tundra by trying to drive it. Wrecked car moving house slit gushing blood pain green and red

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