A big wave of water
Huge waves crashing on the front of my rented home
Bathing in the sea and there were large waves and lots of people
A person who has passed away walked by me on a busy street. He smiled and waved and kept walking.
I was sitting on the toilet with the door open and my dead mother appeared in the doorway. She was in her nightgown and housecoat, looking very shy, almost embarrassed. She raised her hand to wave at me, with a small smile on her face.
On a boat in the ocean. Monsoon waves were crashing right after they passed me. Never knocking me don or pulling me under
I am body surfing on waves and really enjoying it and proud of myself
College girlfriend water tidal wave power game
Dream of beathing in the sea and there wer some huge waves and sometimes a good calm ' also some dirty waves
Dream of beathing in the sea and there wer some huge waves and sometimes a good calm