Understand My Dreams

Dreams told her

A little backstory since I think it's relevant to a recent dream. The past couple of years I've been doing a lot of traveling and figuring out what I want, and what I don't, want to do with and have in my life. I've learned a lot and have been having a mostly awesome time (hardships always come and go) but currently finally at peace and calm with whatever happens, probably the most at ease with anything I've ever been. About two years ago I broke up with a girlfriend and it wasn't pretty. Recently, we finally had contact and while not necessarily patching things up, I cleared the air with full disclosure so internally I feel good about that now. So that's me currently but the dream deals with someone from the past. It was seven years ago and I had a childlike crush on a girl, I was 17. Probably as close to perfect as one could be but while I got to know her and became friends she ended up getting into a relationship with a guy who took her down a dark road for a few years. I was young and the crush passed like they all do and I never really had bad luck with girls so It worked out. I saw her a couple times years back but it was just small talk and not much else. So while it's been 4-5 years since I've seen or talked to her, last night I had a dream about her. I was at her parents house and we were close, kissing, and happy. I think I had just come back from another trip to a random country. She said she had letters for me and I had to read them and then decide what I wanted to do and find her and her mother and let them know my decision. I read the letters. They were dated over the years but they were never sent to me. She had kept them. They said that she loved me and wanted to be with me. As I read them the dream became almost lucid. I felt a sense of acceptance and salvation as I knew how she felt, after everything I had been through, experienced, and done, she had wanted me, and had told her whole family such, and it was a pretty amazing sensation. That's pretty much the dream. One of my favorite ones and the only one I can remember in quite a long time. Thoughts?

I worked on a project with rose Reid and then she kissed me. Band and showchoir were rehearsing and I hooked up with a boy in a hidden area during show choir's rehearsal, and then I tried to get Terry Reid to come hookup with me there but we didn't want his friends to see him come in. Marie Howell gave me beads for secret Santa and Sarah dobrzynsky tried to claim them as hers and I told her they were mine and then she said Marie gave me a crappy gift. I had to drive 2 people home but I couldn't find my red Prius in the huge high school parking lot and I saw Lauren from work on the way to find my car and we chatted.

It all started with me in prison trying to escape, and I did so. I ran to my grandmas house most of my family was there. They tried to catch me and hand me over to the police, I got away by jumping out of the bathroom window. I was running through backyards were I encountered dozens of dogs trying to attack me, I continued to jump over fences and run through fields. I ended up behind a grocery store, I than called my girlfriend and told her what was going on, she broke up with me even knowing she was pregnant with my baby. I asked her to stay with me and asked her to wait for but she couldn't. I was worried for her about rent and bills. After that I was caught by the police, and them knowing I wouldn't get out for years and years they allowed me to stay with my family for a few hours. I flashed into a dark field with all of my family looking up at the stars and thinking about life, on my way back walking through the field 3 giant monarch butterflies flew towards me landing on my neck ( I could feel them licking my neck as if it was very real). After getting to the car they disappeared into thin air.

My mom had cooked a bunch of food but didn't want to share any of it. When I told her that my brother and I had been eating some she got really upset and said it was supposed to be for her. I got mad and told her she was being selfish. We started fighting and I took away her plate of food, just to be mean. A while later I gave it to her and she said she forgave me but that she wasn't going to apologize to me. I told her she owed me an apology but she still insisted she didn't. We then started talking about her past jobs when she was younger and how hard she worked to get to where she is today. Her old boss then appeared and started beating her. My brother and I got very upset and began shielding her from the beatings.

The beginning of the dream, we my mom, siblings, and me were at my aunts house with her ex husband and my four cousins. They lived in a mansion which is unusual because they do not make much money and he didn't work, only my aunt did. My aunt was talking about moving to a littler place while he got a job and lived at the house to pay it off. Earlier in the dream on the way to my aunts I saw my ex and we exchanged looks. The dream continued but we seemed to be by old buildings and we were standing in a work shed by a gas station. People were walking around. There were these stairs that led up to a room at the top of the building, maybe an apartment. Suddenly, a big storm started to happen. It was a black, dust storm. It was very strong winds and it was throwing bails of hay everywhere. Two of my cousins are young and I saw them try to run out of the work shed and I grabbed her by the shirt as quickly as possible to get a grip and she still struggled to get outside. I finally got her a told her it was best to stay in away from the storm. The people were panicking because we didn't understand what was going on. All the dust made it nearly pitch black outside, you could see nothing past it. Teenagers were running up the stairs toward the room, and that's why my little cousin wanted to go. Out of nowhere, coming in from the storm I saw my ex walking toward the stairs with a lollipop in his mouth and he seemed happy. I looked around and people were still puzzled about the storm. Then I woke up.

I took the so called check or whatever from my grandmother by accident , rushed to get it back ended up not having it any more at all. when I tried to find him again I ended up in wc cafeteria. but it wasn't in the a building it was the gym trophy area. dula and magie were there and I told her how we were gonna move to Alabama , she playfully rejected and I told magie how ima take a plane there and how it would only take a hr to get there she gave a dumb response saying we would be in Atlanta if it took that long and dula told her to be quiet. that's when I realized I didn't have the check and I frantically went to the weight room where I saw my grandmother talking to about 3 students and she thought I was late and asked who I was, I responded exhausted head facing the heavens and said , it's me grandma.

I was spending time with a girl (pro skater- leticia bufoni)she was smiling and pleasant. I felt happy and excited. She seemed to smile bigger every time she looked at me. I felt as if the two of us had been doing that " I like you , I know you like me, but no one will make the first move " So sitting on a curb out side my apartment (current) we chatted about my current gf. She said things like "your girl must be so happy" "your girl must be beautiful" In my dream I actually acknowledged this and a lucid dream began. (Or vivid - the one you can control) I said to l.b. "The two of you could be paternal twins" She then started to blush and smiled so big. Giggling she said something, I don't remember what was said but I remember the feeling. She did that girl screech when they get really giddy and then the dream began to procced. My choice of words , was actually my choice "Maybe the three of us could all be together" l.b. Became so giddy and happy. She reached down into a puddle of water to grab her white dog (no distress in the animal or leticia, both just giddy and excited. She then passed the white dog to me an I carried it inside (cute white dog) We then started walking back towards my apartment and my dream cut to a new scene. In my apartment now I was with a friend (male) my girlfriend was a bit agitated about my dream.(I felt I had told her about the dream and was discussing it with my girlfriend and male friend(whom I'm not sure) I remember a feeling of knowing the disscussion was a dream but feeling awake. Trying to describe a million things and reasons why I had the dream about l.b. (I know a bit about dream interperatation) she seemed to calm down and by the end of this waking dream inside my first dream, my girlfriend seemed to be coming around to either the idea of us all bein together in a relationship (not a horn dog, I'm a lover, so much emotion and love to give) or just not feeling threatened any more. My dream cut again to a new scene Sitting with leticia I became excited , smiling. We seemed to be at a skate park but just sitting. My dream shortly ended. I don't remember what was said. But I do remember a feeling of success, if my feelings could talk"it's working lmao" I remember feeling so happy. Like Dating your first girlfriend that feeling that you get from your first relationship. I remember feeling light chested. Breathing seemed to take concentration. As if the beauty was so enveloping I had to focus on my berthing to keep breathing. I would love for this dream to mean exactly what I saw. But I know it probably doesn't. I've had dreams about people dying and woke up to find out they had died about the same time I was dreaming. If someone could help me out with interpretation, for an external viewpoint, that would be great. Thnx A. B.

I was with my daughter we were going though high grass and mountain sides we were walking she and I went over a mountain pass I told here to get down she didn't hear me or was not aware a bolder came down and chushed her I took the bolder rock that fell on her off her I only saw her arms the face was missing but I could hear her breathing I held her in my arms this was the dream I can't sleep. Now. But I know she is okay if real life I checked on her after my dream

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