Understand My Dreams

Dreams tiger

I watched comfortably sitting on a rock, tall yellow grass, green shrubs, tall deep rooted and thick trees, as two tiger cubs chased playfully and drew blood from a goat. one cub would run to a hide in the green shrubs and they other, as if tagged in a Big Time wrestling match, would come out from the hidden spot to playfully, yet without remorse, plant its long teeth into the tiny goat. both the cubs were dripping with more blood than the tiny goat could have produced, I thought. I wondered where the mother was unafraid as I watched perched on the rock. I woke up either because I need to evacuate my kidney or because I didn't want to watch the goat killed.

It stars out with me lying on my stomach, reading a book in a dance studio with mirrored walls.. I look up and see myself in the mirror. My face cracks and begins falling away revealing a demon underneath. The mirror cracks and the demon reaches through and grabs me by the wrist. The demons claws sink into my wrist, crushing it, and making me bleed. There is a lot of blood. The demon pulls me into the mirror. I find myself in a maze of mirrors. The demon is chasing me. It is foggy. I follow an animal, perhaps a tiger that is guiding me through the maze. I wake up terrified and crying.

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