I dreamt of walking along a long round and then I stopped by a big tree where there was a shop located right next to it.The shop yard had a lot of dogs and as I approached the tree i saw the gate slightly open and the dogs came rushing towards me.The dogs were very vicious and was trying to bite me from all directions however there was a man seated by the tree and he kept giving me wood and sticks to fight off the dogs.Every time the sticks broke he kept giving one to fight them off so they wouldn't bite me. June 12, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at church in a yard,with three guys nd the pastor was playing with them.he was throwing stones at then,he started throwing stones at me and we ran until i escape.i was walking with my friend three boys started to talk calling me about my crush surname,them i was on my way to church my friend was there waiting for me,children with school uniform where playing in the church yard,then my crush calls me to meet at church but he ask me if i did not steal a cellphone cos someone has lost her cellphone,den i said no.those school children where looking for that stolen cellphone.on my way to meet my crash and my friend i got lost then my friend calls me asking where i was i ask someone and hes told me that tell he that you are at lucky school,and i saw the school too.she told me that i am far away from them i must take another way,on my way i found a man with his family praying he started to jump coz he was demonic i prayed with his family and he started to take sticks out of his eyes April 03, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was locked in a prison and there were other prisoners there who were dressed as zombies for a game show I escaped from the prison several times using chop sticks and I killed a lizard that sprayed venom and rescued some dogs before I tried to escape the last time and then I learned to play the beat box harmonica with auto tune while singing and my ex girlfriend was there July 14, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I am working in a residential home and the people are in wheel chairs are not happy , they are shouting and banging their walking sticks making a lot of noise. there are a tv crew are recording this. i am trying to get out of there and climb up a fire excape ladder March 16, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was locked in a prison and there were other prisoners there who were dressed as zombies for a game show I escaped from the prison several times using chop sticks and I killed a lizard that sprayed venom and rescued some dogs before I tried to escape the last time and and then I learned to play the beat box harmonica with auto tune while singing and my ex girlfriend was there also there was a bathroom with a revolving door and security guards and there was a sexy brunette who turned into a demon and a blonde that I had sex with woo was captain of the guard July 14, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis