So I had this very long dream, quite vivid dream (I have been having them a lot lately), so I decided to put this up to get a rough idea what they might be about. Sorry in advance it this is long.
I remember that I was in some kind of war school kind of thing. It was set in my school assembly hall (not sure why). I don't remember much from this, but I do remember we got yelled at a lot. When we were on our break, we were in a garden which looked like my nan and grandpa's garden in my home country. They called us in, but me and my friend (not sure who it was) were really, really late. When we entered they yelled at us. Then skip to a part where we were on the floor, I realised and said out loud, "Wait, this is a dream!" Being a person who has lucid dreams, I stood up and walked over to the main person who was there. I said something along the lines of, "go away, leave us alone". (This is a new lucid dream technique I'm trying out, instead of thinking for something to happen, I say it out loud, it works).
Then the scene shifted and I was by my house (in my current country) with my good friend, let's call her Hayley since I don't want to give away her actual name. I said that I really want to travel and she said she wants to aswell. I then changed my hands and legs to wings and flew above the ground. Hayley smiled and did the same. I didn't know she could do it too, so I was pleasantly surprised. We both then flew to some flats. We landed on the roof of one and were now in my home country again, eventhough we only flew for a little while. The roof had a window, so we went in through it, because I saw three of my friends that live in my home country. We talked about something, and we were about to fly out of a side window when I saw teachers from my current country in my home country. So we climbed out of the rooftop window again.
Then the scene changed again and we were at a really serif airport. It was only small but open, and was right next to a park. I know I was with a few members of my family. I am not sure if Hayley way there at this point. I THINK I summoned a small plane because when it turned up my mum said that it's too small and I said that that's the best I can do (in a jokey way). However when we were about to get on, you could only see a bed (sheets were blue with white pillows), which I'm guessing is what was in the plane. I was confused on the dream about that. Then we didn't end up boarding yet as it was too small for all of us. I saw a plane fall (they were really small planes, and kinda looked 2D, like a sorta 3D model of what you would see in a cartoon. I offered to help the people get it up but they said to and lifted it. Then another fell and I said something along the lines of, "come up, come on," and clicked my fingers. The plane lifted up and the 2 guys were staring at me. I walked away with a smile. Then I saw people with guns and in black clothes. I wanted to get their attention but didn't know their names, so I called out a random name and they turned around. I went right up to them and told them to leave and that no one wants them there. I think they were close to shooting me, and weren't disappearing, so I closed my eyes and concentrated. I told them to leave again and this time they all went apart from 1 or 2. I went up to them and said the same thing, but they didn't go. One was aiming his gun at me so I grabbed another gun and shot at him. He turned and ran and I shot at his but again. The other disappeared. Then I turned around and said something along the lines of, "of to California," to my family (California is not my home country or current country).
At some point in the dream, not sure when, I was in my bedroom (current country) with a person (I don't know who it was). There were 3 guns. One in his/her hands, one in my hands, and one on the bed. I aimed at them but they grabbed the gun, but before they could shoot me, I got the one on the bed and shot at them.
There was a Christmas party and someone knocked on the door. It was really sketchy so no one let him in. He tried two more times and then tired to break down the door. Everyone tried to hold it, but he started splintering the wood so we all scattered. I remember seeing him catch someone and beat them. He seemed to enjoy himself.
I Was running all over the place and it turned into a game of hide and seek. I finally got to the attic and was hiding in a corner when I saw someone ascending the stairs. I knew it was the man who broke in and I tried to make myself smaller. It was no use he spotted me an sauntered over. He was tall with chin length blond hair, strait nose, light greyish blue eyes and flat/highish cheekbones.
He was really polite and somewhere when he was introducing himself I stopped quaking and started becoming mad and uncharacteristically brave, so I made to get up and he pulled a gun and said "I'd rather you didn't" I remained kneeling and looked up definitely and said "do it." He pulled the trigger and nothing happened it clicked, I barely flinched, he laughed.
Outside someone screamed and I heard sirens. The man looked worried for a second and then lunged at me. He sat me down on the floor next to him and held a knife to my back as my would be rescuers came up the stairs. They asked if we were okay and the man said, sounding scared and out of breath, "yes! We're fine." He dug the knife into my back and I agreed that we were fine. He pretended to be a victim and I was his cover story. The last thing I remember was a threat and him saying "Every Clyde needs a Bonnie"
I found two baby platypuses in my wash basket and became focused on making them a bed. My fish tank had moved and had more fish in. An old childhood friend was there and annoying me by making a mess and I spilled green beads on the floor.
Im laying on the floor ill unable to get up and There's another me standing over me shouting at me to get up.
So I was in my mums house and it was like haunted. And my sister and I (sister being mary) and I walked around and like tapped it on the floor and yelled hello. Nothing happened until I started leaving the bathroom. Suddenly my entire body went dead cold and my vision started shaking and this old lady started screaming. Then it stopped and I went to get changed for baseball and it started again. I fell over and my mom came to check on me. It stopped again. Then as I was leaving my room I went to ask my sister if she was coming to my game and the next thing I saw as I opened her door was her hung from the ceiling with her throat slit and there was something on the wall written in blood:"Better respect your elders." then my vision went black and the next thing I new I was suddenly awake and was like covered in sweat
Police arreset many men and i am watching suddenley one man pushed a policewoman on floor she flew about 6feet in the air and about 6men kick her on the floor violently police start shooting people and dragging people away has i watch
I am standing in a dimly lit all concrete room. There are no windows or door that I can see. Suddenly I am shoved from behind down into the corner of the room. I turn around while on the floor and look up to see a friend of mine. She glares at me and then begins to strangle me. As she is strangling right before I black out/die (?) a huge snake appears next to her at her feet. The next thing I know is I am watching things from above and I can see my lifeless body on the ground with my friends hands still around my neck. And then I wake up suddenly.
Dreamt of my late mum in a bedroom seated on the floor facing an open wardrobe counting $50 dollar bills
On a trip with my best male friend and a close female friend. I woke up to find my close female friend and my best male friend naked in the same bed. I felt awkward and deflated, but I don't fancy him. I then walked into the corridor and I walked past many rooms, including a tattoo room and a spa. I went back to our room and got dressed, then went out to explore the town. Then it was the next day, and I left without saying goodbye to my friends. I was about to get into the taxi when I realised I left my slippers in the room. I went back to the room and my best male friend hugged me, he put his hands under my shirt and squeezed my hips. We sat on the floor and hugged for ages
I dreamed that I was taking a shower and when I turned around there were thousands of huge black cockroaches and worms all over the wall and in piles on the floor. I jumped out and called for my husband to spray the shower down. I sat on the bed under an air vent while he sprayed them, and when I looked up, black beans started dripping out of the air vent. Then, the ceiling started sagging and our Christmas tree started coming through, it crashed through the vent and ceiling and onto our bed.