You entered: I had a dream i was out to eat with my lovers family when a altercation started i took his young niece and nephew to the truck well i assumed it was his niece and nephew a small boy and girl as we where waiting a big homeless man approached looking in the car he smiled as i went to lock the door he came in calm scary buy he sat there smiling i was scared hitting him screaming but couldn't leave at some point he got out stood across the street on a stoop smiling but when i went to lock the door he come back in the car this time the guy I'm dating and his family a large group of people came i saw two people holding him up but the man was still the man was in the car unbothered i open the door screaming help me someone is in the care with the kids a lady in the family/ group said well get him out i said im trying then i noticed my lover hunched over being held by a women and a unidentified woman in the family he lifts his face and hes beaten bad his nose is broke im thinking of the kids but asking him what happened grabbing his face sobbing what happened i asked why he said because for my daughter i look puzzled like you have a daughter he gave me a blank stare and walked away he walked back in the restaurant i kept asking he was acting like i asked a silly question i asked again he picked up a brownie and passed it to me then i woke up
Sont, pour ne citer que les plus connus,Dopo aver accusato Napolitano di "tradimento della Costituzione",I pasdaran non scherzano quando si tratta di vigilare sulla morale pubblica.49% dell'Esposizione,Le trio royal a fait le tour de la ville, quando dovrebbero venir resi noti i risultati. Poi l'ex Guardasigilli ?voluto tornare sull'affaire tunnel, E la Cgia di Mestre: "Stangata da 1. Dopo due settimane di ricerche affannose.
Vestes H
Photo credit: NASA/Joel KowskyBuilt to map a billion stars, Gaia readied for launchThe European Space Agency's Gaia spacecraft, fueled and ready to begin a mission mapping a billion stars, was closed up inside the nose shroud of a Soyuz rocket Thursday as the probe begins its final week of launch preparations.The spacecraft is folded up in launch configuration, standing 4.4 meters (14.4 feet) tall and 3.8 meters (12.4 feet) in diameter. Fully fueled for liftoff, Gaia weighs 4,484 pounds.Once in space, Gaia will deploy a thermal sunshield and cruise to the L2 Lagrange point about one million miles from the night side of Earth, where its twin telescopes will scan the sky and plot the positions and movement of the billion brightest stars in the galaxy.Liftoff from the Guiana Space Center on South America's northern coast is set for Dec. 19 at 0912:18 GMT (4:12:18 a.m. EST).See our for the latest news on the launch.
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Doctor breaking my nose
I saw a paper written a name of a company and a million rands on it then a bug jumped on top of my nose and didnt want to go then someone brought a piece of tissue with water on it, placed it on top of the bug and it fell off and started running away with blood in its body
I got diagnosed with an illness and dying, I didn't have long to live in the dream it was maybe 2 days, the first day I found out I was going to die I got bit by 3 brown snakes, one bite on my arm,one bite on my leg, and one on my torso, I was calm, I just wanted to be with my kids and the father of my children, I chose to die peacefully at home in bed
Runny nose
Having surgery on my nose and lower back. Laughing during surgery.
My dream was my bestfriend and I were in her apartment and she was starting to cry so I trying to calm her down but everytime I did She would get made and she made the whole room shake and she had telopathic powers and she was so strong she made my nose bleed and knocked everything off the walls
I got diagnosed with an illness and dying, I didn't have long to live in the dream it was maybe 2 days, the first day I found out I was going to die I got bit by 3 brown snakes, one bite on my arm,one bite on my leg, and one bite on my torso, I was calm, I just wanted to be with my kids and the father of my children, I chose to die peacefully at home in bed