7/5 – I dreamt it was Halloween and Chris made my mom and I play scary games to get the candy, a picture of what each round would be was tattooed on his arm but I couldn't always see it - we would be on the porch of some wooden cabin. Later, we ordered breakfast from a Chinese food place and we wrote down our orders on these red slips (taken from the rival restaurant across the street) and I felt bad so I scribbled out the name. December 01, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Received a gift box of makeup including lipstick eye shadows and two amethyst crystals and a love note from the love of my life October 26, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
It's all black and white, everything. A stone sidewalk, with older cars buzzing through the streets. I look down to see polkadot fabric, and touch my hair to feel a neat up do adorning the back of my head. I'm walking down the stone sidewalk as I study the crumbling buildings around me. Suddenly I stumble upon a crowd gathered in the street. My eyes connect with a man across the way. Everything is black and white, except the mans red badge around his military jackets left arm, and his crimson red hat. He smiles and comes towards me. He begins to speak, but I can never quite catch what he's saying. His lips don't match any English words, and no matter how much I concentrate I can't quite make out the robotic, hushed English that fills my head. He suddenly grows flustered with me and storms off away and that's when I wake up, feeling depressed for weeks. September 18, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamed of a man and his friend. Meeting a stanger at party, hugging, talking and walking. Flips to sitting down a table alone, and children come to sell treats, words America and Halloween are menitoined November 23, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Received a gift in a box of makeup including lipstick, brown eye shadow, and two amethyst crystals and a love note from the love of my life October 26, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
So there was this guy that I used to know, we were friends. He was the best friend of one of my ex boyfriend s. Anyway, last night I dreamed that he, name's Adam by the way, turned up on my doorstep asking me to hide him. So i did, I hid him in the storage area underneath our house. Then some scary men turned up and banged on the door. I refused to let them in and when they demanded I hand over Adam I pretended to not know what they were talking about. When they started describing him I was just all like "Oh yeah him, he hasn't really spoken to me since his best mate dumped me". Then when they started getting really scary (thumping fists on the door frame) I called the police. Then when the police responded, pretty quickly, they took the men away in handcuffs. Then I went back to Adam and found him curled up in a ball staring at the wall. He mumbled something about a demon and I turned around and saw it too. Then I straightened and said "I, the Descended One, command you to return to you Hellish dimension". They disappeared and I helped Adam up then out into the proper part of the house. Then he hugged me, really tightly and he said thank you. He was really dusty/dirty so I told him to have a shower. I got him like a towel and stuff as he followed me around, and then as I gave him everything and went to leave he grabbed my hand and asked me not to leave him. So i sat on the closed toilet lid looking at the mirror while he had a shower. When he was done he wrapped the towel around himself and came over to me and teasingly commented that I wasn't looking. I told him I thought he'd been through enough for one night without being watched by me. Then he got dressed and we went upstairs to the lounge room where he explained to mum and me that the men were after him because he'd stepped in and stopped them when they were trying to rape a girl. Mum said that it was time for bed and asked me to help her get some blankets and the spare mattress out for Adam. But I pointed out to her that doing that would wake up my brothers (even though after sleeping through all of that I doubt they would have been woken by something like that). So after my pointing out to mum that I have slept beside male friends and done nothing with them it was decided that Adam would sleep in my room. So we went downstairs and mum went to bed. Adam took the stuff out of his pockets and put it all on my bedside table then hopped into my bed. I got in beside him and he wrapped his arms around me after he turned out the lamp. He whispered "Thank you, I didn't really want to be alone". I replied "I know". And then I snuggled into him and we went to sleep. When I woke up in the dream he was already awake and I was still lying in his arms. He started to thank me for the night before but I put a finger on his lips and said "Don't ruin it". He smiled and just held me. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and mum came in to find me still seemingly asleep snuggled into Adam and him awake with his arm around me. She just asked how he slept and he told her fairly well and that I hadn't stirred during the night. Mum said how that was good then left. When she was gone I shared a smile with him then he leaned in slightly and kissed me! Then he whispered "I've been wanting to do that almost since I first met you". I smiled and then the dream kind of faded out. October 21, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Im driving home from my grandparents house, I am in the back seat but can not see who is driving. The vehicle goes over a big hill and the vehicle flips. From the impact of the crash I get knocked unconscious, when I regain consciousness everyone who was in the vehicle is missing and i am unable to move or yell. September 02, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I kiss a boy from a movie i recently watched and when i woke i could feel his lips still on mine September 02, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis