In reality iam not married in my dream i get married and i have twins and one son we lead a normal life when we go to office in our steps misterious god weapon is placed in down stares mysterious women told me dont worries not happen today after she said June 09, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed a man whom I know got good harvest and took some to sell at a produce but the price was very low May 12, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
With no license to drive a train, in my dream I was driving one using a gas and break button with so much people in it. While driving it felt like I run over someone, looked in the side mirror, but out of fear I neglected the fact that I ran over someone. Then the push and break button started to malfunctioned and I couldn’t really pressed the break anymore but I was finding ways to keep going. I was asked to step out the train because someone asked for help and I assigned someone to drive while I step out quickly. But soon as I was about to get back in, the train went by so fast and the next thing I saw was it flipped and the back part exploded. No one died but I saw some people that was hanging upside down and was crying. Towards the end of the dream I saw police and talked to him and explained to him what happened. May 03, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
My ex is trying to kill me & current boyfriend with a rifle seeing us walking home from work. he starts chasing us while trying to kill us. He shoots boyfriend first. I yell out to get down, ex missed shot to boyfriend head by an inch as result. Ex shoots & hits me while I call for help. laying on ground, police car speeding towards me and boyfriend jumps out, start to run toward me. That’s when I woke up. Bf in dream is only friend in life but been wondering how to tell when to advance too relationship stage, and also nervous to do so after multiple very abusive relationships(couple were life threatening) June 01, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed and remembered I left some money I a plastic about 50cl bottle in an office premises then rushed to pick it. I got there before any one realised it was money in the bottle May 26, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I just had the worst dream of being sent to some jacked up military like school that brainwashes people and with sadistic instructors and ruthless guards that will do anything to ensure no one rebels wether it is right or wrong . The facility also happens to be underneath some large department store. It was just impossible attempting to get out and the reason I was sent there was because someone got the paperwork messed up and the only way i got out was because someone who was also stuck there happened to be some jedi with mind tricks. The guards and instructors were like dressed in all gray or black with black coveralls similar to what imperial officers wore May 21, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
A famous political leader (Lindsay Graham) was murdered in the basement of my childhood home. The home was bigger and cleaner and much nicer. He was sirrounded by a clear plastic box and the gun was in a smaller box next to him. It was set up to look like a suicide. I called 911 and waited for the police by the front door. The plastic box was empty (like an empty coffin). A man jumped in to show that no one was there. No one believed me. They thought I was hallucinating or a liar. May 05, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis