Understand My Dreams

Dreams gold

I was in a barn on country property and it was dusk. In the barn was a grey cat sitting in the middlle and surrounded by other animals like mice birds.suddendly looking around i saw seven golden and brown snakes wiggling just under surface of the ground heading towards the cat and it suddenly struck and wi ded itself around the cat but I tapped the snake lightly and said leave the cat alone. The snake stopped and chased the other animals in the barn. More snakes appeared and killing off the animals. They all stopped and looked at me and disappeared.But it didn’t scare and the cat survived

Well last nights dream time was a real eye catcher for me! I dream I was in Viet Nam I was with a tour group we were climbing up a mountain with trees and the steps were carved out of the stones that made up the mountain. I was not able to keep up with the group. I got a notion to rest an was looking for a shady spot when I noticed a cave which had a water creek beside it so I went to the creek and cooled myself off. I sat there contemplating to go in the cave or not I went in! LOL that is so like me. I go in and there are these huge eyes looking at me and I am NOT afraid at all they looked very familiar. The eyes communicated with me and to me so I started to go inside the cave furthur when a dragon about the size of a Komodo Dragon comes up to me an smiles. The dragon was using its tail much the same way a cat does when its communicating to you...so I followed the dragon into the cave more. Then we come to a huge room that was quite beautiful an round an huge! The dragon looked at me an smiled an breathed in and flew way way up to the tops of the cave! Then a lady appears...she did not say words but asked me what my name was so I told her I said My name is Teresa and she said here I have been waiting for you so long. She walked to me an put a ruby in my third eye then she called the dragon to me who had turned into gold he spit out a silver coin in my right hand and a gold one in the left! This was a great dream! Today I met a lady from VIET NAM an she told me she ready faces! I let her read me an she said I was blessed according to my facial features an said for me to stop cursing my face! Then she said that she would bring me a pink budda when she comes back from vistiting her family there! WOW LikeShow more reactionsCommentShare

Ok so Ive always have had vivid dreams, but this one is to much I need help so it started about a month ago. I dream I'm in the most perfect place in the world every one cares about me and treats me nice like I am important i had a house and a father figure and every thing and the most beautyfull girlfriend ever but every one has a face but no facial features or anything like eyes kinda like a blank so i live on my one in a nice house with a yard and flowers like a garden i don't remember much of what i did but i know i was happy so i go with the dream, it ends and i wake up for the next few days same dream but it advances to where i meet this girls parents (i don't know her name i just cant remember) and we have a blast but then when i wake up i feel happy and sad at the same time kinda torn so a while passes still advancing and i feel myself wanting to sleep more and more and every time i end up seeing her and i even long for her i even fall asleep in school and see her so its about 2/11/17 and I'm talking to her and say i love her and she feels the same way we kiss in my dream but when i wake up i feel extreamly happy and a weird feeling so now right before i fall asleep i actually subconsciously hug a pillow and kiss it and ask to visit her (i know that sounds weird but bare with me) so i heard a voice say always and i fall asleep and visit her but today 2/15/17 at around 10 pm i do the rutine but this time I'm not asleep I'm half asleep and half awake so i see her and her beautyfull black hair and she faces me and says she loves me but she has to go and she will return in 8 years at the heart of japan or the golden heart of japan and meet me at a skyscraper or atleast a large building with a triangular pyramid on another one kinda like the sims symbol but anyways so she says she will meet me there in 8 years and to do what i want to do and follow my dreams and to change my name to alex or alexander and she will be there waiting and so i asked how will i find her and she says i will know when i see her and then i ask for one last kiss and she says always and we kissed and then i woke up to find me gripping the pillow crying and sad. what does this mean is it someone who is connected to me some how is it a sign or a vision or is it a promise.

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