Worried ex girlfriend volunteering shelter.
My boyfriend got back in a relationship with his ex girlfriend who he was with for 4 years. She had a white jumper on. she knocked on the door and asked my b boyfriend to be with her and he said yes. I was left alone, crying.
My boyfriend said he'll never stop doing for his ex girlfriend and I was the one left hurt in the end
I keep on dreaming of my ex girlfriend next to me
With my ex girlfriend we were going to college but when we got to the college it was a mall on the inside. Later we were at a party and everyone was drunk. She went to the bathroom and while I was waiting for her my friend was throwing up because she was so drunk. When she came back from the bathroom she was holding hands with her friend and I stopped talking to her when she confronted me she was saying it was nothing serious and then she said "isn't that your mom across the street?"
Ex girlfriend had stomachache - was making noises of pain
I had a dream this guy im talking to ex girlfriend punched me in my face twice and it didnt hurt at all. we fought and then the next thing i remember he was kissing me in front of her at my house and then she told me secretly that shes really my friend and then more people came to my house including one of my ex boyfriend s. we were all drinking and next thing i know i went inside to fix my makeup i went outside to the backyard and everyone was gone including the guy i was talking to. he left without saying goodbye so i texted him and said "you left?" and he said "yes why?"
My ex girlfriend showed up at my house wanting to be in a relationship again
My ex girlfriend wanted to get back together with me
I dream about my ex girlfriend before and after a huge gunfight. Before the gunfight we are in love like we used to be. After the gunfight, she breaks up with me. This all happens within a span of a few hours over and over again.