My boyfriend cuddles another girl in my dreams
My dreams are all very sexual
Horrible dreams about small rodents and coconut oil and things that shouldn't ever be done even if everyone is really high and it sounds fun
I have fun have repetitive dreams of my house in several states of disrepair and sometimes elegance
The type of dreams I have are dreaming and realty. when I'm awake Im 1I can see hear my husband and dogs he gets me a drink water etc. at the same time Im aware of my surroundings and they are not my home
I was gifted pepper fruit in my dreams,what does it mean
I plucked plenty of red bell peppers, green and yellow colour and tomato fruit in my dreams,what does it mean
I plucked plenty of the ball pepper, green and yellow colour and tomato fruit in my dreams,what does it mean
Erotic dreams about pineapples and motor oil
I had to exact same dreams about being chased around the house by an ex- boyfriend I was terrified but I kept making myself safe just in time before he would get through the door or the window I was safe and he wanted to kill me so bad