Understand My Dreams

Dreams david

First Im in the jungle in africa running from mud hut village to mud hut villiage away from deadly spiders then im at the house and david jennifer craig are there and we find brown reculuise spiders in the cornors of the house then josh an djane show up and jane is drunk and josh is mad at me and then Joshuah kills the deadly spiders. then im at the cvs and josh is there and someone is getting a liver transplant. then I go to a video game paradise and there are white birds have sex and humans are having anal sex with them and there are 6 people from high school i recognize and everyone sees stacys butt and were all walking around in clear water its topical the birds are small white tucans

First Im in the jungle in africa running from mud hut village to mud hut villiage away from deadly spiders then im at the house and david jennifer craig are there and we find brown reculuise spiders in the cornors of the house then josh an djane show up and jane is drunk and josh is mad at me and then Joshua kills the deadly spiders. then im at the cvs and josh is there and someone is getting a liver transplant. then I go to a video game paradise and there are white birds have sex and humans are having anal sex with them and there are 6 people from high school i recognize and everyone sees stacys butt and were all walking around in clear water its topical the birds are small white tucans

Its fairly late in the day and its overcast weather and i wonder on to the practice foot ball feild to find a long time friend of mine and his new girl friend playing with a tennis ball and soccer ball and i walked up and joined them and we goofed off kicking and throwing the ball around when my friend david came up a friend i dont normally see and joined us he threw the ball around with us for a little and then left then i ended up with a kid i didnt know but had seen around scool and he was playing catch with me and all my other friends had left

First Im in the jungle in africa running from mud hut village to mud hut villiage away from deadly spiders then im at the house and david jennifer craig are there and we find brown reculuise spiders in the cornors of the house then josh an djane show up and jane is drunk and josh is mad at me and then josh kills the deadly spiders. then im at the cvs and josh is there and someone is getting a liver transplant. then I go to a video game paradise and there are white birds have sex and humans are having anal sex with them and there are 6 people from high school i recognize and everyone sees stacys butt and were all walking around in clear water its topical the birds are small white tucans

The first dream that I am going to talk about is my experience with me and my friends going to a shack. This dream, is a reoccuring dream, that has happened around 4 times already. So what happens is I walk up to this place behind Hydro, in the dark, deep woods. I keep walking up this humongous hill, surrounded by trees, and wild animals. I really hate being up there, but I go because my friends will think I am cool if i do. So we go to this shack, it is probably only like 7 feet, by 6 feet, it is very small, and my friends have this plan. They had a plan that they are going to capture a moose, with their hands, and bring it into the shack, in the middle of everyone, and tie the moose on. After they have the moose tied on they decide, they are going to kill it with just their hands. I am really terrified of moose, so I run out of the shack, and run up to the gate that is up on top of the hill. When I get to the top there is a half man, half horse there, and it is Aaron Elgar's brother, David, and he is half man, half horse and he talks to me. So he calms me down, from the whole moose situation. So after talking to David for about a half hour, they finally have the moose killed. They slaughtered a poor animal there in a shack, with their bare hands. So I run, as fast as I can back down the hill. When I get down to the bottom, the whole place is turned into a field. There is a van coming my way so I get scared, and run. On the outskirts of the road are 6 sheep running towards me, they are able to communicate with me as well. So I keep walking, with my new best friends who are sheep, and we communicate until they run away. So I keep walking down a field of open, long grass. I run down the meadows with my crush, and we are holding hands, running along, like something you would see in a movie. Then my dad yells out to me, and tells me it is time to go milk the cows, and I run, but fall quickly to the ground and hurt my knees, and I am unable to stand back up.

The dream started out as a friend and I were packing for a trip to Japan. We finished packing and left for the airport. After arriving in Japan we went to our rental cottage. We unpacked our things and decided to go for a swim at the public beach. When we arrived the beach was full of people. We went swimming and talked to some locals about some interesting areas to visit. While we were talking to sme a loudspeaker said a storm was blowing in. David and I left the beach and headed back to our cottage. We arrived after jogging back and got changed. We flipped on the news and the story on was about terrorists. Out of now where we were in army gear and ready to help fight the terrorists. There was an explosion outside and we rushed out. Quickly we engaged the terrorists in a fire fight. After killing some I had woken up.

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