Saving a baby then getting away in a space ship
Dream about baby falling down through the apartment steps through the stair gaps and lived
I had a dream last night where I saw my ex fiancé in my house, we were both dressed for work, and we seemed to be upset with each other in the dream. I told him I wanted to see our baby boy who was two days old. I don’t remember why I wasn’t with the baby on the first day. I remember the baby was with his parents.
In the market. The merchant has table loaded with jars of pickled baby heads. It is shocking and disgusting. I do not see my preferred flavor of pickled baby heads and move on to the next stall muttering to myself angrily.
I dreamt that I have vomited a baby boy
Saving a baby flying above the desert then getting away in a space ship
Baby daddy getting jumped in a fight
Running to catch a baby falling from a very high wall. The baby was fine at first then we locked eyes and he wanted to come to me and was felling out of a small set on a high wall as I was running toward him thinking he would die if I don’t catch him with my arms out then I woke up. I dreamt this 2 time. The 1st the baby was ok and stated on the wall that was moving him up and down. What does this mean?
Having a baby boy with my friend. Another woman brestfeeding my baby
Saving a baby then getting away in a rocket ship