Understand My Dreams

Dreams Number

Hi , on the morning mh370 disappeared I dreamt I was on the plane I was sitting about three seats back on the left side , I noticed the cockpit door open so I got up and walked inside the cockpit there was a struggle , then the plane nosed dived al I could see was water, I was so scared I said to myself I go to get out of hear , just before I turned I saw numbers In red digital two of them were separate 3 8 104 its bothered me ever since I always thought the date US 3rd month 8th day 14 I don't know much about long and latitude and when I awoke the first words from my mouth was kuala lumpur second was louder kuala lumpur my wife asked why , also it was 8;30 perth time when I woke, when we heard the news a plane was missing it just blew us away so I looked up lon & lat found 30 - 8???????? - 104??????? it just so happens just inside the search area , ps I wouldn't like to get anyones hopes up but it would be so awesome if it could help

Dream: My New love in my life had the Dream.. He's 19, From Nigeria..and he's allowed himself to Love me like no one else I've ever known... Today he dreamed that he came to America, he got into a fight with my current spouse.. After the fight he saw me giving birth to 2 beautiful babies a boy name Mitchell & a girl name Michal, he said he then took me, the 2 new babies & my 2 daughters with him to Nigeria... While we were in Nigeria he saw me in a Red Gown.. He then saw My Pastor.. He said my Pastor called me & him on a Stage and said he wanted to reward us for being the Number one Givers Financially in ministry.. He gave us Rewards & he also said he had a Gift for us. Significant Life Events: Leaving a unhealthy relationship & embracing this new Love in my life. I have No Fears!! But I've been frustrated in this current marriage relationship Background: I'm 40. African American. I'm a Customer service Representative. I'm a Female Mental Illness Or Depression: No Location: I'm in America. I Indiana Feelings About People: With my current Spouse its awful.. I want to leave home immediately.. With the young man who had the dream I Love him very dearly.. My 2 Girls I Love them more than anything.. The 2 twin babies I don't know them... My Pastor is a very very special man to me Relationship Status: Married When And How Often: Thursday, May 12th. No not recurring dreamer47258 Dream Lover Posts: 1 Joined: May 12th, 2016, 11:50 am

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