I am at my grandparents farm house. There is a big storm and it's very windy. I'm hanging onto the banister of the staircase and am being blown off my feet. February 10, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was driving up to the Grand Canyon with my family. It is a sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. I thought to myself, “what a wonderful day to go out on a family outing”. As we drive my family starts laughing and I wonder what is so funny and I looked down and I wasn’t wearing a single stitch of clothing. My face turned red and I felt embarrassed. I heard someone yelling at me as well. When I looked in the back of the car my vocal coach was there yelling at me saying “you are wrong, this is wrong!” we just kept driving along and suddenly the car turned into a giant pre-calc test with an “F” on it and it was chasing after me! I ran away from it saying “No, go away! I don’t want you!!” The test started leapt off the ground and began to fly hovering over me. Then it dove right into me and I was in the car again. I was scared and the day that had been so sunny and warm turned into a windy cold rainy day. As I watched the weather change I felt sad because it wouldn’t be as much fun going to the Grand Canyon in rainy, windy weather as it would be if it were sunny and warm. I looked I unbuckled my seat belt to talk to my mom in the passenger’s seat and neither of my parents were there, so there was no one driving the car! Absolute terror ran through my every vein. I felt my pulse racing and I went to grab the wheel but it was locked I watched as the car smashed right into a telephone pole. The car went up and came back down and flipped over, leaving me trapped under its debris. I screamed so loudly that my throat hurt but no one could hear me. I started to cry because I couldn’t find my family that had been in the car with me when we crashed. As best I could being in the trapped position that I was in I tried to find where my brothers had gone. There was no sight of them so I figured that they had been ejected from the car! I was shaking and screaming because I didn’t know what to do and no one could hear me. Just then a majestic white bird appeared next to me and said “its not your time yet”, then disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared. I was confused, I didn’t know what the bird meant by that. Then I closed my eyes and I was back in the same vehicle that had just been in a gruesome car accident. We were at the top of the Grand Canyon now. I breathed a huge sigh of relief saying to myself“they are ok, thank god! I went over to the edge of the Canyon and stepped on a loose rock and fell over the edge. I reached out but no one grabbed me. I looked up and to the sky and saw a beautiful color blue. I hit the ground and say my family standing over my grave, crying and mourning December 12, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was trying to switch of water from the tap but instead it came out gushing out of many small holes from the water pipes. i then realized that it was also very windy as tried to close the window the frames were damaged. October 15, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was living in a mountainous area in a cabin like house my mother, sister and brother in-law. I drove to go get my husband from somewhere he shouldn't have been in an old beat up car. I was driving on a windy road feeling like I had to get to him fast and then suddenly, I drove off the edge of a steep cliff and floated down into a beautiful valley. I felt peaceful and it was beautiful. I then sort of appeared back at the house and was trying to tell my family that the crash and flames was from me and that I was gone. They couldn't hear me, I don't think. Yet, I was content, without fear. What could this mean? October 05, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Snowing, windy outside, Brick in yard flying around, one brick went through a gap in the window and into the house, my brother threw it back but it hit the window and cracked it badly. February 22, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Park scene windy colors of pinks ang Green form trees and birds birds appear small but soon are big. They are flamingo type. One falls out of tree and is hurt, I walk toward it and another bites my hand and holds it. I say I want to help and it releases. Next my mom is also unconscience and needs help my mom has been dead for 3 yrs). Next. Thing I know I wake and my sis and mom are laughing and I tell them this dream. They know about it because my mom was whispering in my ear while I was sleeping. November 13, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
This is a reoccurring dream. I am at an amusement park but there is only one ride. The ride is a combination of a roller coaster and a water slide. The ride is located on a long, windy road near Atkins Farm in Amherst. I can tell exactly where the park is located (at the huge gravel mill) but I have never been there before. I am about to go on this ride but something stops me every time. Once the ride gets going I look up and all the people I care about the most are on the ride, my friends, my family etc. Then out of nowhere this huge octopus comes on to the ride. It is going to eat everyone whole and kill them right in front of me. Everyone else at the park is trying to stop the ride and get the octopus out of there but the only people who know how to save everyone are me and my boyfriend , who is a different person every time I have the dream and every time I have NO clue who he is. I get on to the ride to try and save my friends and family but the octopus starts attacking me. My boyfriend saves me but the dream always ends before I know what the fate of my loved ones is. October 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Me and my friend were at a market and they were giving a few things away at no cost. We were trying to find these things but then it became very windy and people started to get blown away. People were trying to hide underneath the grates of the pavement but couldn't fit through. Me and my friend found a lift and as the doors closed a girl tried to get inside but the doors closed to quickly and she was left behind. The lift was falling very quickly, too quickly until we got to the bottom were it slowed down. We got out the lift and were underground were we were safe. September 27, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis