I was in my car and i saw there was a spider on my seat and it bit my knee pit and i ran to the grass and knocked it off and it was a black widow. Then i was bleeding and my mom took me to the hospital
Ants black widow spiders hiding with red ants behind curtins
I entered the kitchen and found 2 snakes on the floor (one black, the other red). I wasnt scared, but worried and I decided to simply move away. I turned to find a black widow spider going down its web... also, i wasnt scared but I wanted to move away. I stayed in the kitchen, I didnt run or scream... and I woke up annoyed and confused.
Very merry widow
Being attacked by black widows
I bought a house and it was all in a reck no drywall cieling to low as someone shows me the back yard where the play house for the baby and the doors open black widow spidersevery where
I am a widow I was getting ready to married my dead husband again
I have been a widow for over a year after 55 years I have difficulty coming to terms with this I dream't the other night my husband came to me wrapped his arms round me and held me tight it was wonderful but now I cannot think of it or tell anyone because i get so upset what does this dream mean
My uncle was in the room with my his two sons and his widow but only I could see and hear him
October 3rd mom is dressed all in white and she is a very merry widow