My Christian Swingers Club meeting was underway and the pastor was leading us in the orgy service. May 16, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that I levitated during church services and floated out of the building, to the shock and horror of the other parishioners. November 25, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
Had a device that let me find others dreams, and connect with them My flight worked, but it wasn’t powerful as usual. I watched myself die, but I was still able to walk around normally. The others that I was in the dream with, died as well, and survived . Had #100 tatted on my neck August 30, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Getting dressed for church but realizing my robes still had blood on them from the last service. Looked for Mom to ask her for a clean set but my brother said she was busy sharpening the sacred knives. June 29, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in my apartment building waiting for the elevator three of the four were out of service “Similar to reality”. I was holding my son so I waited for the elevator. The elevator skipped my floor so I got off on a higher floor figuring I’d take the stairs to my suite. As I was descending at a rapid pace out of nowhere I was running down the railing instead of the stairs when I noticed I was on the railing I slowed down as I began to slow down I noticed personal belongings of mine and my wife. I started gathering them then I came across our diaper bag I used it to store our belongings I found on the staircase. Finally I made it to our floor I could see my suite door open as I approached it I noticed it was not my unit. So I approached the elevators to notice I was even in my building anymore. It was like I was in a labyrinth. I got into the elevator and it went down to the ground floor. I got off and I was somewhere else the sun was shining throughout the building everything was made of glass I could see lush green vegetation outside. It was beautiful but weird at the same time. Also every so often my sons diaper he was wearing would disappear and reappear periodically throughout this dream. I noticed a local grocery store attached to my building and remembered asking myself why my wife didn’t shop there then I woke up beside my wife and son both sound asleep. January 02, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis
A chinese woman sat in front of me. she was a stranger, but we started chatting. i enjoyed her company and found her easy to talk to. she began giving me a facial and gave me advice on something that i must do right away. it was very urgent. it could not wait. she said it would change my life. i felt some sort of emotional barrier around me began to fall. she began putting honey on my face and urged me to do this one thing, which i cannot remember. i began rubbing granular honey on my hands, entwining them with hers as she rubbed with just the right pressure. the energy level increased. i understood what she was trying to say. i needed to get up now and do this one thing right away, no matter the cost. i woke up. July 04, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
Thought i'd take my own advice for once. March18 2014. Laying here thinking. Feels like i got deported. Friends and family miss me dearly. Mom thinks im a drug addict. Telling other fam that im mixing drugs and all this non sense. I honestly don't know how my mental os remaining strong after all this shit that i been through. not a complaint. I know im still here by the Grace of God. Who am i though. People probably look at me and say. oh , there goes that corny SKINNY ass nigga daniel, Why is sharde even with him. Why did alex even date him. he's Nobody. Right. Im Nobody. I can accept this. why. because 1. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. and i believe in standing by your opinion. so If Im Such A Nobody. how About hou prove im A Nobody. Matter of fact. how About you walk in my Shoes. parents Divorced when i was like 3. Sent away by my mom 3 times. made my mother think she failed as a parent with me. Constant pressure to Succeed in something you don't even have a passion for. Judged by your family because of the decisions you make. Thats Not even Half Of It. but You still see me crack a fucking smile so you can think everything is Ok. When in actuality . its Not. Its far from Ok. September 03, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis