Large Persian vase on head holding me down unknown entity speaking mtserious dialect unable to make a sound or get loved ones to respond
Large Persian vase on head holding me down unknown man speaking dialect unknown cant make a sound or get to loved ones to respond ask them to make him leave
Recurrent dream of knocking over vase over and over again
Living in a house with 3 floors and a basement. The third floor is round and meant to be for the kids. But there is something evil in there so I don't go in. A strange man is out side the house digging and finding silver flower vases and showing them to me. when I put my hand into the ground, they get all messy. The mans tells me that the soil is volcanic soil
A cat comes into glasshouse gets close jumps on me, colorfull vases around me, my boyfriend has a shovel in
to break the windows to the house, standing on a ledge
Large clay vase on top of head holding me down
2 large pretty vases
I went to my girlfriend s house to return an empty vase heard my children talking. Returning home I started singing and past a wedding preparation. Still singing I saw three dogs playing in front a moving car, one dog was mine. Walked into my yard when a car pulled up with someone asking for my farther to fix it. As I entered the house it was renovated I spoke to my father then my brother appeared past me and began hugging our recently dead father.
I dreamt about elisobel hannah araya vasek
A cat comes into glasshouse gets close jumps on me, colorfull vases around me, my boyfriend has a shovel in his hand trying to break the windows to the house, standing on a ledge