In my dream I had gotten a fictional character from a tv show pregnant but for some reason I just met her that day and when the baby was born we discovered that the baby could speak like a full grown adult July 12, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
An episode of a TV show where the characters had to sacrifice a person for love. May 30, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
There was a woman that force fed me drugs and I was already on anti depressants so the drugs I was force fes had an adverse affect on the anti depressants so I went crazy. I was getting upset and angry and funny. I was climbing up buildings and running away from people. In the dream it included characters from my favourite TV show and Fr Des, an ex priest from our school. An ambulance was called and the paramedics were paramedics from my favourite TV show. March 01, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
At the end chuck and blair from the tv show gossip girl appear November 16, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
There was a house full of people, but they were all being observed, like a reality TV show. A girl slipped and broke her neck in the shower. Everyone panicked but no one called the police October 23, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
The cast of the TV show Jessie were doing my hair and make up. My year group (year 11) turned up at my house. I opened the door and they shouted "surprise!" and one of my class mates said "congratulations on winning an Oscar for your role in Independence Day". I let them all into my house and they started giving me gifts and I was hugging them to say thank you. I hugged one of my friends first, but he wouldn't let go so I just had a group-huge with everyone else. January 18, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Basically I had a dream that I had a flat with; Fraser who's ok (has the biggest room) Robert Potts called Potts (massive rugby guy lives in a closest that's only big enough for a bed) And under a pile of what I thought was just junk was Hannah sleeping It gets weirder I slept in the second biggest room but I was in someone else's flat after a party So I get to my flat and there's a cute girl outside So I say hello she seemed to act a bit off like who are you so I say one minute let myself in and close the door, I run to my room and grab a kiddies book and go to the door like hello I was just reading XP And she was standing against the door but in the flat. And I was like hello a little startled And she said where's Fraser? I sad oh :( in his room And at that point I realised Hannah was sleeping were she was sleeping And then realised it was a TV show being filmed by cameras Then kinda woke up June 28, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis