I dream I was being chased by a snake that turns into a four-legged creature with a long tail, rounded head, no eyes but large jaw. Looked like a big turtle without a shell. And it kept attacking my ankles until I woke up. March 31, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that a young turtle came swimming up to my kids an me and let us pet it October 13, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
For the past 2 day's I've had similar dreams. They are both different, but the same thing happens in some shape or form. In the first dream, I was with a choir. It was a big day for us. A big performance was coming. Before the performance, though, we had to sing while someone took pictures. I remember my picture being awful, my mouth was open way too much. All most in an unnatural way. And then we individually sang a song. But I didn't know mine. It was for a grade, so I would have to take it again sometime. Then I was on a roof. Kind of a balcony on the roof. A tall glass building. I'm guessing about 10 stories up. And a girl said it was time to retake it. She had a camera. For some reason, I didn't think I was supposed to sing that song, which I didn't know. And I remember a song in my head. In reality I've never heard of it. It was completely new and it sounded like it could be an extremely popular song. It was a pop song. And the lyrics were really good. I was going to sing the song, but then I suddenly forgot it. And I instead sang Sweet Escape. The girl interupted and told me I wasn't singing the right song. I remember in the dream feeling constant embarrassment. There was a lot more in the dream, that right now I can't quite recall, but that is all in the dream about the choir. In the second dream, I was back in time. I was, I'm guessing, around the 1930's. In reality I'm 15 years old. But for some reason in this time setting my mom was younger. I can't recall how younger. Anyways, I was in a school. I had gym. And I remember being rather unpopular... but that doesn't matter. Later on, I had a big choir performance. On stage, big crowd, lights out, everything was about to start. I was on the top row. There were only four other girls there with me. We were all on the left side. All the other rows were crowded, but there was a clearing in the middle. We were singing Ring Christmas Bells. For some reason, my voice was awful. I sang quietly because of it. It was out of tone and scratchy. At some point the girls and I on the top row were going to do a little routine. I didn't know about it, but I went along with it. I went on the other side. Me and one of the other girls were supposed to spin around each other. From this point imagine the stage from a side angle. The rows of the stage horizontal. She thought was supposed to go right and me left. But for some reason I knew I was supposed to go right. I was determined to stay on the right side. She kept on giving my a funny look. Obviously signaling for me to go to the other side. I didn't. We briefly bumped into each other before she went on the other side. At some point in the song, the choir was supposed to be quiet. I didn't know and continued singing the song. Rather quietly, still. But people heard and gave my funny looks. I stopped, embarrassed. Somehow, I managed to get in the row below. I noticed because when I looked up, I couldn't see the audience. The row below had lots of tall boys that I couldn't possibly see over. Nor could anyone see me. I was the only one at this row. I liked that the audience couldn't see me anymore, then I couldn't embarrass myself anymore. Now go back to viewing the stage vertically. I was still on the left side of the stage. On the right side, a row below me began a group of African Americans. They continued for another few rows. One of them was signaling at me. Trying to tell me to come to her, that she had something important to say to me. I knew her. I reality, I knew her from 6th grade. I was in a different school then. We weren't really close, I don't even remember her name. We were classmates. But in the dream she was a random girl. I didn't want to go to her though. I liked where I was, where no one could see me. Plus it was still in the middle of the performance. I didn't want to draw any more attention to myself. And to get to her I would have to jump over a chair in the middle clearing. Yeah, there were chairs there, like the ones at movie theaters. And once I got to her the people would easily see me. There weren't any tall people in the row below her. I changed my mind, however, when a really tall African American girl sat in the chair in front of the one I was supposed to go to. I then went to her. At least once I got there no one would see me. From there the dream was a blur. I don't remember what she told me. Also, since my first big mistake in the performance, especially the little routine I messed up with the girl, our choir teacher would beat me. Like how teachers did to students back then. Even though I didn't see the teacher, I know what she looks like. I've never seen her in reality. She was an old, skinny, wrinkly lady. Her gray hair is back in a tight bun. She wore an old victorian black dress. Long sleeve and turtleneck. And she carried a teachers stick. The ones they used to hit children back then. And I just knew she was glaring wholes through at me backstage throughout the performance. There was a lot more in this dream too, but this is everything about the choir. In reality I do have choir. But I sing good and never had a bad experience with it. All the choir teachers I've had were real nice. I think these dreams have a more intense, abstract meaning behind them. Any dream experts out there? Please help. December 30, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
It started out on a school field trip, he was walking in a line and all of a sudden he turned his head and saw a slide. He figured his teacher wouldn’t mind if he took a little trip down the twisted slide so he climbed the latter and began he journey down the slide. When he landed he was in a desert, it was bare and hot and the ground was cracked. There were a few cactuses- he decided that that wasn’t the place for him so he climbed back up the slide and made his way down again landing with a big splash, he panicked only for a second before realizing that even though he was under the water he could still breath, he looked around noticing the oceans features as he continued to sink, he saw whales and dolphins, turtles, and fish. He even saw a scuba diver. But the water started to turn dark and decided that this place wasn’t for him either. So he climbed back up the slide and twisted and turned as he went down again. He repeated this over and over again, he landed in a circus, on a hot air balloon, and many other places… but when he decided that is was time to go home he climbed up the slide on last time and slid right back into his class line and woke up. November 29, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Two turtles and one was able to speak and the other wasn't and the one able to speak was giving me advice to care for him and make him comfortable. Their shells changed shape and grew and we were planning a Halloween party. When I left for a bit and came back, the turtles she'll transformed into Tennessee my home state turtle shell talkative May 13, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis