Understand My Dreams

Dreams this dream

I was in my favorite anime and hiding from the villain as he was looking for me.An old couple came our way so he went to greet them but the lady disregarded and insulted him because her husband cheated on her.He took then away from the crowd and killed them. I was also with the lady as I was trying to console her. When I saw him killing them i tried to run away but he got me and was going to hurt me but I got saved by another character who slashed the villain but in the process I fell into a pool and started to drown since I did not know swimming. A strange girl with a teddy came to help me and as she reached me she started hitting the teddy saying it couldn't save me. She then extended her arm and in the process her fake nails hit against the platform making her annoyed.So I offered to get her and her friends an appointment for their nails. Suddenly the girl and her friens started stabbing whoever was not in their group and tried to follow me while a tried getting away. The villain laughed saying that he enjoyed killing.Some parts of this dream took place in my residence.

This dream was more vivid than yesterday's dream. We were in like a desert plain, and there were a bunch of people I did not know; one of the people was Ash and he was the only person I knew. We all were trying to do this pair and talk thing. Me and Ash always got paired up together. Well we did that for a few rounds, and then on the last round each person had a fishing rod and we all put them against a fence well everyone turned around and did not look. One by one someone went to pick a fishing rod, and I was the last one to pick. The fishing rod was number 16 and it was Ashes fishing rod, and he said “how do we keep getting paired up together”. Well I ran and jumped in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist, and we started kissing.

The first thing I remember from this dream is that the setting was just super bland. There was light, but I could not tell where it was coming from. Ash (the boy that I think is cute) and I were talking and I asked him to give me a piggyback ride, but before he gave me one I told him that I would be too heavy for him. He said no I wouldn't and told me to get on, so I did. We just walked around. I cannot remember where we were or anything, it was just blank. After walking around we ended up in a mansion house. I could hear Liz and Jamie Moore (we went to school with her in Salina) talking, but I never saw them. Ash was laying on the bed on his stomach watching tv and told me to come over and lay with him. So I laid directly on his back and I told him “I am crushing you aren't I?” So I started getting up and he grabbed my arm and pulled back on his back.

I was pregnant and I had a dream that my boyfriend sister and one unknown person wanted to sacrifice my unborn fetus for rituals. They chased after him in the wood. Despite begging them to take me instead of my son they insisted of taking him. A day after that dream, I had a miscarriage it was a bit just as I dreamt of him in my dreams. A day after miscarriage, I had another dream in which my boyfriend ’s sister and that man were telling me that they were done with their work. Sacrificing my son. Could you please interpret this dream for me?

In my dream I am Taylor Swift. Who is supposed to go on a date with Joe Alwyn. But the setting is Delhi and she lives in a really rural busy area in a mob setting. She barely has a house but has a dad who's actually my dad and many siblings. She goes to get dressed and for some reason goes out of her house and cannot find her way back. The riot had started and between the ruins and the already dilipated situation of the location she cannot find it back. And she who is actually me keeps running in search of the house and everything is on fire. This is the second time I have seen this dream. During the first one the details were different but this time around its pretty much all to it. Every one is missing and its chaos and I am running for my life. This dream then changed to me as a police inspector who is running because there's a mob willing to kill them. She /I run and reach a hospital where the mob was killing the doctors. The murders were brutal. Single shot to the head with your brains coming out. By this point I usually have to convince myself that this is a dream and I wake up

Hi. A few days ago I dreamt that my family and I had bought a new house and we were moving to that hpuse. I did not see the house but we were very happy om this dream. Today I dreamt my sister and I and a former friend going on a flight to a different country but we'd forhotten our ID's at home so we has to rush back to get the before the flight. We got the ID's and rushed back to the airpot with alternative tickets should the flight leave us. What does this mean?

This dream is less frequent than the shark dream, however when I dream this, I am always far along in a pregnancy, and I can see my body from a distance. I always know that I am pregnant, and the father seems to be irrelevant. Recently I dreamt this dream, but the father was someone from the future. I was watching the father play as a child, but I knew I had his child from the future. His family was placing a lot of pressure on him at the time, and I told him not to worry about those things, that better things would come

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