I have dreamed of theft in my house by a relative who stolen cash and jewels December 04, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamt that i and my mom entered a house ientered first and i found that the lock of the main door is broken i entered the room and found someitems missing so i said our home is thefted October 11, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that I was in the school yard of my old grade school. It was dark outside and I was there with my father and brother. They were not around me. Out of the shadows came a boy, nine or ten years old. He looked angry and evil. The pointed a very large gun in my face. He never spoke but it was clear to me that he wanted to rob me. I ran from him and refused to give him any money. My father approached the situation and said something to my brother. My father then gave the boy; four one hundred dollar bills and one fifty dollar bill. I was then on the side of my house and the boy was there again pointing a gun at me and I got angry and twisted the gun out of his hand. I then grabbed the boy by his shirt collar and said that because of his theft, that no one would be able to afford to buy groceries and other things that we needed to live and survive. The boy was so angry. I then started tohit the boy and all of a sudden, I was hitting this boys' head into a car trunk lid. His face morphed and he looked very, very young (around the age of two years), Everyone was looking at me like I was some kind of monster. I then went into the house and wanted to give my dogs their cookies and I broke open a dog cookie and it was full of bugs. All of the cookies had bugs in the cookies. I woke up. August 10, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Lost gold due to theft in house but found my gold bangles in house January 20, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
A friend was a victim of identity theft and my disabled son was dancing. My deceased mother appeared as with white light saying look at your life and your son and I am always watching you May 31, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis